Purchases Headcanon

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Things Eddie buys/gets for you;

●Objects related to your favourite hobby (books, vinyls, paints, baking equipment)

●A Hellfire Tee, though he likes you to wear his since he knows you like the scent and baggy feeling, plus he's secretly quite a fan of seeing you in his clothes.

●Jewelery, nothing too expensive, but quirky necklaces or rings to match the aesthetic of his.

●Food. On date nights he pays, and sometimes he'll just randomly buy you snacks if you haven't eaten or if you're in a bad mood.

●A plushie. Think of the cutest dream plushie and that's what he gets you. When he gives you it, he tells you a whole backstory for it as well as it's name, but he says you can change it if you want.

●Some D&D dice and things

●Not really a purchase, but sometimes Eddie will draw you pictures or write silly short fantasy stories about you both. He'd literally freak out if you told anyone, so it's a super special secret you both share. You have a whole collection of Eddie's stories in a box.

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