Imagine- It Hasn't Worked Yet PT 1

683 11 4

Eddie POV

I can't keep my eyes away from her, well shit, on a normal day I'm a like a moth to her goddam fire, but tonight...she's stunning. My heart keeps beating so fast I'm convinced I'll need a few smokes soon, but for now I'm just a guy driving a pretty girl to a dance. Just so other assholes can enjoy her company.

"Are you sure you won't come?" She asks, her voice light and desperate. I almost say I will, but then I remember how I can't screw things up between us, we're friends. That's all...

I shake my head as I turn left into the school parking lot. "Come on, you know me, does a school dance really scream fun to me?"

She bites her lip, shaking her head as he gazes out of the window, watching as familiar couples have their photos taken and step into the school gym. My eyes drift to her lips, the colour lipstick she's wearing suits her so well and all I can think about is how they taste.

"Well, I guess I'll go have fun without you." She teases, but there's an undertone of sadness to it. I wish I could just go with her, but then again I know how her friends look at us both, she doesn't need more stress.

She begins opening the door, but I reach out and grab her arm. Her head turns towards me expectantly, waiting. "You're- You look really good." I mumble, feeling embarrassed by the way she's arching her eyebrow.

"Did you just compliment me? Wow, are you feeling alright?" She laughs. I let out a small sigh of relief, and shrug it off.

"Okay, pick me up at nine, okay?" She asks, hopping out and holding her dress up. My eyes take one last look at her, then I nod. She closes the door without another word and walks towards the gym.

"Shit." I angrily murmur, slapping my hands against the steering wheel. Why is this so hard? I need to clear my thoughts.

I reverse out of the parking lot and make my way home to get stoned. Yeah, maybe a little bliss will clear the feelings I have towards her.

But it hasn't worked yet.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now