Imagine- Defending The Girl

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"I said leave me alone!" I shout to the boy who's been obsessing over me. We've been talking for a few weeks and have been on a couple of dates, but there's no spark, so I told him it wouldn't work.

The dipshit apparently won't take "No" for an answer though. He suddenly grabs my arm tightly and spins me around in the empty corridor. Panic washes over me, I never thought it'd come to this.

"Just go, I'm sorry but please." I quietly say, looking down as he leans lower and cups my face.

"You love me, I know you do, why are you acting like this?" He says, genuinely acting like I'm the bad guy. I shake my head, not responding.

He pushes me back against the lockers and slams a fist beside my head, making them rattle as my eyes fill with tears. "Answer. Me." He growls, squeezing my cheek hard.

"You're fucking delusional!" I scream, clenching my fist and bringing it up to his face. It makes contact even though it hurts my knuckles. He stumbles back shocked, but then his face turns to pure anger and he stomps towards me.

I close my eyes and wait, but nothing comes. "Touch her again and I'll break your fucking neck." Eddie deeply says, shoving the guy to the floor.

The guy scrambles back as Eddie steps forward, his fist raised ready to hit him. I don't say anything, but Eddie must sense my fear because he turns around and unclenches his fist.

"Go before I change my mind." Eddie warns. The guy looks at me and narrows his eyes before getting up and rushing away.

As soon as he's gone, I slump down sitting on the floor, finally processing everything. My body shakes as my eyes well with tears. Eddie crouches down in front of me and gently raises his hand to my face.

I flinch and he pauses, his jaw tightens as he whispers "I'm just taking a look, 'kay?"

I nod once, and Eddie softly brushes his thumb over my sore cheek, his eyes full of concern. "You'll need ice," he murmurs, his face then scrunches up and he stands, "I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch."

Eddie storms to the exit, and I find myself rushing up and grabbing his jacket. "Please don't!"

Eddie stops and looks down at my pleading eyes, his eyes soften and he nods. "Can I take you somewhere where we can get ice and something to eat?"

Hesitantly I ponder the idea, I mean this is how everything started with the other guy, do I really need to repeat it all? As if sensing my thoughts, Eddie adds "I promise it's nothing weird, but if you don't ice that soon it'll be worse tomorrow."

I nod and Eddie gives me a small smile. "To my carriage then" He muses, making me feel more at ease.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now