Imagine- Ignorance and Insights

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It's been 4 days since Eddie and I had a massive argument. Even though we've seen each other at school, none of us have said a word to each other. It was over something so trivial, yet Eddie made a big deal out of it and said some stupid things.

On a rainy day after school, I grab my things from my locker after everyone's gone home and head for the exit, until a familiar voice shouts my name. It echoes loudly, but I decide to pretend not to hear. Eddie shouts again but I'm already pushing my way outside into the pouring rain.

"Y/N, can you just stop and listen to me?" Eddie calls out, following me across the car park.

I spin around so fast Eddie has to catch himself before he walks right into me. I frown up at him and raise an eyebrow in question, but his mouth opens and closes.

"I forgot how scary you look when you're pissed off." He mumbles, his eyes darting around my face as his lips tilt into a smile. I bite the inside of my cheeks to keep from saying something stupid because that damn smile makes my heart flutter.

"Fuck off." I mumble, turning around and trying to get away as fast as possible, except Eddie jogs in front of me and gets in my way. I make a noise of frustration as he holds his hands up in a surrender, his hair clings to his face as he genuinely looks cold and desperate.

I sigh and cross my arms, my body shivers as the rain drenches me. "First of all, that's not nice, secondly, yeah I deserved that." Eddie begins, "I get why you're upset with me, kinda, but please don't ignore me, I can't take not hearing you correct me."

I lick my lips and shrug, "You were ignoring me too, also you're an asshole, so goodbye."

Eddie's face looks puzzled as I side step him and walk away. It takes him a few moments to catch up as I reach my car. As I get in to avoid him, I realise Eddie opens the passenger door and climbs in too. I give him a wide eyed stare as he closes the door, blocking out the rainfall.

"Are you serious!" I exclaim, screeching in a way that is most definitely not human.

"You wanna call me an asshole, I'll act like one. At least you're talking to me again." Eddie muses, smiling at my expression.

"You're unbelievable. Why are you so desperate for me to like you again, you've got people to talk to." I say, shivering as I throw my bag in the backseat.

Eddie shifts in his seat and looks down, playing with his rings he whispers in a childlike fashion "I wanna talk to you."

My face softens as I see this new side of Eddie, one that's less confident and more softer. "Okay, but I think you owe me something." I sigh, giving in to his annoyingly cute ways.

Eddie looks up at me with puppy eyes, "I guess I'll buy you some doughnuts."

I take a deep breath and shake my head. "No Eddie, I meant an apology."

Eddie breaks out into a grin and nudges me with his elbow, "Yeah I know, I was just messing with you," he says, "I'm sorry I said the shit I did, I just got worried you'd change your mind about me."

I smile and nod, "It's okay, you're a dumbass but you're my dumbass."

Eddie holds out his hand for a high five, so I slap my hand to his and start my car. "Okay get out, I'm freezing and want to go home." I laugh as Eddie gives me a salute and gets out.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now