Imagine- Journalism- PT 2

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Previously: Y/N is a writer for the school paper. Things have been boring lately so Y/N thought of writing a story about DnD. With Nancy's go ahead, Y/N went to Hellfire Club and met Eddie Munson, who isn't as bad as everyone says. After some tense moments, both loosened up and began an interview, but it turns out Eddie has some questions of his own...


"One condition, I also have a few questions I want to ask."

I quirk an eyebrow but nod, having no idea what I've just begun.

"So, what inspired you to start playing?"  I ask, my notebook and pen at the ready as Eddie smirks opposite me.

He shrugs, "I guess I needed a distraction, something fun to focus on." He answers. I nod, farrowing my eyebrows as my mind wanders to what he could mean.

"Alright, my turn. Why do you write for the paper?" Eddie asks, plucking at the threads from his ripped jeans. He looks up at me with wide brown eyes, as if he's desperate to know.

I copy his earlier movement by shrugging and Eddie notices. "I guess I just wanted to write things that are truthful, instead of casting things in a bad light."

Eddie juts out his lip and nods. He licks his lips and looks up, waiting for me to ask another question. For some reason my heart kicks up speed, his presence suddenly makes me feel suffocated, in a strangely good way. I suddenly want to know everything about him, and I'm willing to share any part of myself with him.

"Do you really play guitar?" I blurt out, feeling stupid. My cheeks redden as his eyes slowly meet mine, his lips tilt into a knowing smile.

"That's not related to DnD." He murmurs, his eyebrows raise as his gaze moves from my eyes to my lips.

I casually shuffle in my seat, toying with my pen as I retrace some letters. "Background information could be useful, you know, to see how DnD can link to other hobbies."

Eddie chuckles and scratches his chin. "Really? Okay then, yeah I do. I have a band, we play at the Hideout on Tuesday's, but we don't have a big crowd yet."

"Yet?" I ask, putting down my notebook. Eddie stands up and rests his hands on the back of his chair, leaning down he looks at me.

"We're gonna be famous, like Black Sabbath, I'm serious, we're good."

I nod enthusiastically and hold my hands out in a surrender, laughing as Eddie tilts his head at me. "I believe you, maybe I could write a story on that too."

"Does that mean more interviews?" He deeply asks, leaning further towards me.

"Maybe," I whisper, getting lost in his penetrative gaze. I clear my throat and avert my eyes back to my minimal notes, "Anyway, back to the questions."

The rest of the session flies by, and I learn enough to be able to write the story I want to share. After a quick and brief goodbye to Eddie, I rush home, typing the story before I even take my coat off.


By the end of Monday, the paper is printed with my story as the main feature. Nancy absolutely loved it, and approved it within seconds. All around school there are murmurs as everyone gathers around, soaking up the controversial article about DnD, I requested it be published without my name, I'm not that brave yet.

I pluck a paper from the printer at the end of the day, ready for tomorrow evening when I visit the Hideout.


The place isn't as busy as I would have expected, other than a few drunks and loud men, the place is bare and dim.

I grab a drink of Cola and sit at the back, nervously tapping my leg as I wait for Corroded Coffin to make their appearance. Within minutes, the band comes out, and Eddie looks excited with his red guitar. I grin to the music and make a few notes, planning the story I said I would.

At the end of the show, Eddie's eyes find mine and he grins, giving me a wink. As usual I blush and wave. The band members say something inaudible to him and Eddie playfully flips them off, before pointing to the exit and mouthing "One minute."

I pack my things up and finish my drink as I head out, the dim light makes the car park still visible, so I wait watching the sunset until Eddie appears, a guitar case in hand.

"You guys were really good!" I exclaim, unable to contain my excitement. Eddie laughs and bows, grinning back at me.

"I'm glad you came, but I didn't exactly expect it." He softly tells me.

I reach into my bag and pull out the paper, nervously passing him the article. "I don't know if you've read it yet, but I figured you might want a copy. Or not. I don't care. Okay well I do care, but-" I ramble nervously.

Eddie nods watching me with a look of admiration. "I've been busy, give me a minute?"

I nod and stand awkwardly as Eddie reads the article, his brows knit together and he smiles and laughs at some parts. Once he's done, he lets out a breath and tucks it into his back pocket with one hand.

"Wow, that's really good. Thank you for not making Hellfire out to be a cult, I mean it." Eddie murmurs.

I tuck my hair behind my ear and shuffle my feet. "You guys get such a bad rep, I just wanted to try and make a difference."

Eddie looks at me with a strange expression, his eyes look behind me then meet mine. "I know you'll do great things. Look, you can totally say no, but do you wanna go grab something to eat?"

I open my mouth and close it, before nodding. "I'd love to."

Eddie's shoulders slump in relief as we walk to his van, chatting about random things.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now