Imagine- Supportive Smiles

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Eddie POV

"Y/N, it's your turn to do your presentation." The teacher calls out. I look at Y/N who's sat beside me. Under the table I give her leg a reassuring squeeze as her eyes widen, I know how much she hates speaking in front of the class, but she rejected my idea of skipping today.

I watch as she stands up, her trembling hands scoop up her speech as she makes her way to the front. I've never really had any stage fright or fear of public speaking, but knowing how worried Y/N is I can't help but to bounce my knee, her anxiety is rubbing off on me, but I know my girl's got this.

She clears her throat and begins talking, and I notice hardly anyone in the class is paying attention. Anger courses through me but I take a breath, trying to calm myself for her sake. She watches me as she speaks, so I nod and smile, hanging onto every word. We've practiced this almost every night for the last week, so I know her speech word for word.

Her bright eyes scan the room, and when she finally notices the lack of enthusiasm, her voice fades away. She almost looks disappointed. I cough to get her attention, and it works. I gesture for her to breathe, which she follows, then continues.

Not long after, she finishes and the teacher nods, grinning. That's definitely an A. I clap harder than anyone else, and even whistle until the teacher gives me a stern look.

Y/N comes and slumps back in her seat. "You were amazing!" I murmur, giving her shaking hand a squeeze. She let's out a shaky breath and gives me a small smile.

"You think so?" She meekly says. I nod and tuck a piece of hair behind her ear.

"Yeah, I told you it would be okay. I'm so proud of you, I know you find it hard." I whisper as the teacher begins talking.

Y/N gives my hand a squeeze back. We stay like that for the rest of the class, and at lunch I give her the chocolate bar I bought her as a gift this morning for getting through the presentation.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now