Imagine- Fabulous

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I sit on my bed with my hands outstretched, I bite my lip as I concentrate painting my nails. Once I'm done I wave my hands about trying to dry them, Eddie stares at me with a confused expression as he sits opposite me on the bed, a magazine rests open on his lap.

I arch an eyebrow and ask "What?" Eddie shakes his head and goes back to reading, but his eyes keel straying from me to the nail varnishes laid out.

"Does that stuff come off?" He casually asks, pretending not to be interested but his eyes never go back to the magazine.

I nod and smile, "Yeah, it comes off naturally after a few weeks, but you can buy stuff to take it off."

"I see." Eddie replies. I can tell he's interested but doesn't want to admit it, so I take the first step and ask "Want me to paint yours?"

Eddie's eyes light up, but he pretends to shrug it off by jutting out a lip and lifting a shoulder. "I mean, if you want to." He says, closing his magazine and throwing in on the floor. He scoots closer to me and begins rummaging through the colours. He ends up picking black, which I figured he would.

"What now?" He asks, eyeing the nail varnish as if it's going to explode. I gently take his hand and unscrew the cap, and begin painting his short nails, admittedly the nail varnish looks really good combined with his rings.

Eddie's face leans closer and closer, watching as I paint. In the end I have to push his face away before he gets it on his nose.

"It's just like painting on a canvas." I mumble, concentrating on not making a mess of the job.

After a while, I'm finally done. Eddie waves his hands about like I did earlier, and I let out a small giggle. He frowns and holds up a manicured middle finger.

"Oh, you're looking fabulous Munson." I grin, pointing to his hands. Eddie nods vigorously as he analyses my work.

"Yeah, looks pretty metal." He smiles, standing up and doing multiple poses. I laugh and throw a pillow at him, which he catches and throws back.

"Wanna do face masks next?" I suggest, titling my head.

Eddie stares at me for a second, then shrugs and murmurs "Why the Hell not?"

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now