Arrested Headcanon

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Eddie's had a few problems with the police before. His first encounter with them was when his dad got in trouble and Eddie was around. He hated the whole experience and it created bad feelings towards all police.

Another time was when Eddie was caught smoking weed somewhere in public, he'd had a rough day and wasn't thinking straight, so when the police turned up and gave him a warning, he wasn't happy.

He hates that the police always mention his father, or say things like "You're just like your father" because Eddie tries not to be.

After those incidents, Eddie tries to keep his drug dealing/usage to a minimum, only dealing to those he knows or thinks he can rely on not to tell, and he only takes drugs at home on occasion.

Eddie and Hopper might have met before, but it wasn't a great experience and there would have been some serious tension and death glares.

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