Imagine- King and Queen

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"You only want me when you feel like it, I'm fed up of this relationship being on your terms!" I angrily say to Jason, the whole cafeteria is quietly watching as I break up with him.

He scoffs and looked around, "Well I'm not the one making a scene, it seems like you only wanted the attention."

My eyes widen and I take a step back, hating how he's making me look like a drama queen.

"Fuck. You." I murmur, before grabbing my bag from the table and walking over to the only other table I've ever felt welcomed at. Well, at least up until two months ago.

"Coming back to Hellfire, I thought we weren't cool enough for you?" Gareth sneers, narrowing his eyes at me.

I sit down next to Eddie and bury my face into my bag, leaning on the table as I try to breathe and not have a complete breakdown.

"Sweetheart, whilst I'm not pleased on the terms you left, I'm glad you're back with us." Eddie murmurs from next to me.

I raise my head and furrow my eyebrows, "I thought you'd give me the boot as soon as I came back."

Eddie chuckles and throws a pretzel at Gareth who's giving me the evils.

"Of course not, I just wish you'd come to your senses sooner, you know you belong here with us." Eddie shrugs, leaning back in his chair.

I raise my eyebrows, "Come to my senses?"

Eddie rolls his eyes, muttering something under his breath before leaning forward, "Yeah, that asshole didn't deserve you, I can't even think of a reason why you went to him."

I shake my head, not knowing why I followed Jason around like a lost puppy.

"I'm sorry I left you, all of you." I apologise, looking at everyone so they know I'm being honest.

They all give me smiles and welcome me back, and Eddie reaches up and flicks my nose with a ringed finger.

"Looks like the king and queen of Hellfire are back to regin over our loyal subjects." Eddie smirks.

"King and Queen?" I laugh, feeling a little lost.

Eddie stares at me with admiration, "You're my equal, nobody else can write campaigns as well as us."

I smile and nod, Eddie looks at me for a moment longer before continuing a conversation with Gareth.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now