Imagine- Joke's On You

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I sit at my usual spot at the table, watching as Mike, Lucas and Dustin bicker about who has the better girlfriend, and frankly I'm ready to strangle the kids.

"Can't you all just shut up!" I snap, narrowing my eyes as their gazes turn to me. Mike scoffs and crosses his arms. "You're just jealous you've never been in a relationship and we're way younger than you."

My eyes widen, I totally didn't expect that and I honestly don't know what to say, I feel embarrassed even though he's right. The room grows silent and luckily Dustin, my favourite kid, strikes up a conversation about the game.

As they all talk, I sit stunned, not feeling like I want to be he anymore. "Hey, don't listen to those mini buttheads, they're just a hot mess of hormones." Eddie mumbles from beside me, leaning down towards me.

I nod but stay silent, and I notice that Eddie looks like he's on the verge of saying something else. "Just ask." I huff, faking a smile.

"You've really never had a boyfriend?" Eddie lowly says quieter than before, instead of looking patronising he gives me an encouraging smile.

I shrug and avoid his eyes, picking at my jeans. "I- I've never been asked out."

Eddie blinks at me in confusion as the groups conversation dies away, their attention is now directed at us. "That's impossible..." Eddie leads off in a whisper. He looks to Mike, who looks proud, then Eddie smirks and clears his throat.

"Tonight's game is over, we're at a standstill anyway," everyone including myself look at Eddie in shock, but he leans his elbows on the table and presses his fingers together, "I'm taking a girl on a very overdue date."

A small blush covers my cheeks as the kids' eyes widen, but the others just nod and stand up, packing up and giving Eddie a pat on the back.

Once everyone has left, Eddie stands up and shrugs on his jacket. "You know you don't have to go on a date with me, we can just tell them some story."

I shake my head and look up at Eddie, I adjust my clothes and nod. "I'd love to, I mean, if you really want to, I'd hate to think that you feel forced to-"

Eddie interrupts me by stepping forward and pressing a finger to my lips. "I want to do this, I have done for a while," he looks towards the door, "I hate to admit it but if it wasn't for those buttheads I wouldn't have even dared to ask you."

"Why not?" I laugh as Eddie and I walk to the door. Eddie shrugs and avoids my eyes as he opens the door for me.

"You kind of intimidate me, not in a bad way, but in a 'you're really pretty and amazing' kind of way. I don't think my ego could have taken it." He chuckles nervously. I smile as his brown eyes meet mine, like magnets they seem to always find each other.

"I'd never had said no." I mumble as Eddie's mouth tilts up, he holds out his hand so I take it as we walk out of Hellfire Club.

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