Drinking Headcanon

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Eddie likes to have a few beers every now and then. He first had a beer when he was pretty young, it was his dad's idea to give him one and drink together 'like men do'. Eddie hated it at first but pretended to like it, to impress his father.

Later on, Eddie would begin stealing Wayne's beers, only one or two since the fridge usually has a lot for Wayne to come home and have a couple.

Eddie only drinks when he's stressed or worried, along with the drugs it helps to calm him down and numb him for a while.

Eddie and a few other members of Hellfire might have a few beers together after band practice. Often on a Friday night they'll all sit around in the garage on the worn sofas talking and drinking.

If you're dating Eddie, he'll often offer you one, but doesn't mind if you do or don't drink. He drinks less when you're around as you seem to calm him down and replace the need for alcohol.

Eddie often smirks when you have a can of beer in your hand, glad you're enjoying yourself and letting your hair down. But he's also watchful of how much you drink, often looking after you and getting you glasses of water after each can to balance things out.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now