Imagine- Marks and Memories

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I sit in class, making notes as the teacher talks about the book we're studying, until she tells us to work with our partners to discuss.

I turn to my best friend, but her eyes widen when her gaze travels to my neck. For a second I wonder why her eyes are wider than saucers, but then I remember and my hand practically slaps over the mark.

"Oh my God, is that a hickey?" She practically shouts, I turn around to make sure nobody in class heard, then open my mouth to deny, but her manicured nails are already reaching to pull my top lower.

"Jesus, are you trying to maul me?" I laugh, pushing her away as she pretends to pout, but then her mouth splits into a grin and she leans towards me.

"So, who's the lucky guy?" She lowly asks. I can't help it, my eyes quickly drift to Eddie's presence in the corner of the class, he's leaning back in his seat, a pencil tapping against his page as his eyes find mine. A knowing smirk pulls his lips, and he presses a finger to his lips carefully.

It feels like slow motion, but within milliseconds I'm answering my best friend. "A guy from out of town, he's in a band."

My best friend pulls a face and nudges me with her shoulder. "Good on you, pulling all the hot ones."

I laugh and shake my head, turning back to Eddie as she continues with the work. Eddie's eyes trail down my face and to my neck, his smirk fades as he gives me the same look he did last night, the one right before he made my legs shake and my neck sore.

I squeeze my legs together and turn back in my seat, letting out a breath as I try to compose myself. Tonight can't come any sooner.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now