Imagine- The Takeover

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I wince as Eddie coughs again, sounding worse than this morning. The rest of Corroded Coffin look to each other in worry as we all sit backstage, waiting until they're on.

"Man, you can't go on stage like that, all everyone's gonna hear is your disease." Gareth says to Eddie, the others agree with solemn nods.

Eddie gives Gareth a death glare, so I step forward and put a hand on Eddie's shoulder. "He's right, you're way to sick to play tonight." I softly say. Eddie holds my eyes for a few moments then nods, letting out a sigh in defeat.

"You could play? I mean you know all our songs and Eddie says he's been teaching you." Gareth suggests, lifting a shoulder.

I stare at him perplexed, the idea seems terrible but Eddie narrows his eyes and nods to the guitar case. "We need a guitarist, sweetheart I think he's onto something." Eddie says, before coughing again.

"Up next, Corroded Coffin!" Someone shouts from the stage.

My eyes dart from the stage to the band, all eyes eagerly awaiting my answer. I bite my lip but nod, grabbing Eddie's guitar.

Eddie quickly grabs my arm and presses a kiss to my forehead, whispering "You got this." Before winking and heading to the crowd.

We all head on stage, and I'm so glad I attended so many band practices so I know the set list.

The band begins playing and the crowd cheers loudly, The Hideout is hot and sweat drips down my back, but I find myself grinning, watching as other girls gaze up at me with wonder, and I'm glad to represent some girl power.

We finally begin the final song, which has a massive guitar solo. Eddie's been teaching me this one for so long, yet I haven't quite grasped it. When it comes up I play the best I can, doubling over and gritting my teeth as my fingers burn. The crowd goes wild, and I hear Eddie shout "That's my girl!"

We finally finish, the band grins at me as we all bow, then head backstage to where Eddie waits. I carefully put the guitar down and leap into his arms.

"I did it!" I shriek, grinning as Eddie smiles and nods. His hands grab my legs and heft me up higher as he presses a kiss to my nose.

"I'm so proud of you, my beautiful guitar playing girlfriend." He coos, holding me close. He finally lets me down and sneezes into his elbow.

"We should get out of here, seems like you could do with a nap." I murmur, raising my eyebrows as Eddie's eyes water.

We say bye to the band and walk out of The Hideout, one hand carries the guitar as the other holds Eddie's hand.

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