Imagine- Holding A Shield For You

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TW: Self Harm Mentions

AN: I know this is a sensitive topic for some, so I've tried to be careful how I've written this one. I know mental health is a thing a lot of us struggle with, and often finding solace in fiction helps us to deal with it. If you or anyone you know is struggling, please talk to someone. Remember you're not alone, even your favourite fictional characters need someone to live and love them, so be that person❤️


I smile at Eddie who sits on the floor of his bedroom, writing in that notebook of his, planning his next campaign for Hellfire Club.

"No, that doesn't make sense, give me that pen." I laugh as he raises his eyebrows and sits forward, taking the notebook and pen with him.

"Come get it." He teases, turning around and waving it in the air. I laugh and scoot to the edge of the bed, reaching out an arm to grab his hand, but my long sleeve tee rolls up, exposing my self harm scars.

Eddie's face immediately drops, along with the notebook and pen. Straight away I go to pull my arm back, anxiety and embarrassment fill me as Eddie's brown eyes meet mine.

Before I can pull my arm away in time, Eddie's ringed hand reaches out and pulls my arm to his chest, gently cradling it as I perch on the edge of his bed.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He softly asks, bringing my arm up to his mouth and gently kissing it. I stare at the floor as I shrug, words failing to come out.

"Hey, please don't feel like you have to hide from me, I'm here for you, forever and always." Eddie murmurs, carefully setting my arm on the bed as he gets on his knees and kneels between my legs.

I take a shuddery breath and finally whisper "I'm sorry, I'm so stupid."

Eddie shakes his head, immediately frowning as his hand reaches up and grips my chin, forcing me to look at him.  "You're not stupid, you're amazing and I'm so sorry anyone has ever made you feel like you're anything but that. I've been to some pretty dark places too, but over the years I've found that hurting myself just allows my problems to beat me, you can't let it get to you."

His declaration brings tears to my eyes as I nod, I lean forward and Eddie's arms wrap around me, he climbs onto the bed and holds me to his chest as I cry silently, his hands stoking my hair to comfort my sadness.

"It's just so hard sometimes." I mumble between the tears.

Eddie nods and squeezes me tighter. "I know sweetheart, but I'm here for you and you don't ever need to feel like you have to fight your battles on your own ever again, because I'm right by your side, holding a shield for you as you wield the sword."

I smile and cling on to Eddie for as long as I need, and he lets me, holding me together through it all.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now