Imagine- It Was Supposed To Be You ♡

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I sit with the Hellfire Club as usual, snacking on some pretzels as I listen to everyone talk about their plans for tonight since it's Friday.

"Well tonight, I'm actually going out somewhere" Eddie grins as everyone questions him, even my interest is peaked. "I've got a date." He finally finishes, popping one of my pretzels in his mouth and winking at me.

Everyone bursts into an excited chatter, but I can't bring myself to say anything. I've had a massive crush on Eddie for so long, but I'm scared to admit it. I guess I should have expected this to happen at some point. I give Eddie a smile which doesn't reach my eyes and grab my bag.

"I've got some homework I want to get done." I say before rushing away from the table and not looking back.

For the rest of the day I try to avoid Eddie, which is hard because he's one of my best...friends. I purposely take the longer routes to class so I don't bump into him in the hallways, and I even leave the last class early, making up an excuse. I walk home instead of letting Eddie drive me and hold back the tears. Am I overreacting?

I get home to see a note from my parents, telling me they've gone out of town for the weekend and will be back Monday. Typical, but I'm also glad to have the alone time.

I spend the evening listening to music and making up stories in my head about who Eddie's going on a date with, and where they're going, and what they're doing after when I finally force myself to stop moping about.

I grab some snacks and settle on the couch to watch a movie, but my mind still keeps wandering...

Halfway through the movie I hear a knock on the door. I get up and answer it, my eyes widen when I see Eddie standing there dressed in jeans and a button up shirt, looking fancier than usual. Oh right, his date.

"How'd it go?" I ask, not even bothering to smile becuase I can't find the energy.

Eddie shakes his head and snorts, "You don't have to pretend to be interested."

I bite my lip and cross my arms, "Okay, so why are you here?"

Eddie takes a breath and steps forward, "I wanted to let you know that I couldn't do it. The girl I asked was supposed to be you, you are the one I want to go on a date with."

My heart stops as I try to process his words, but instead my jaw drops and I blink at him. "That doesn't make sense. Why'd you ask someone else then?"

He shrugs and runs a hand through his hair. "I thought I could try and forget about you, I thought maybe someone else could replace you, but I was so wrong, nobody can replace you, I love you."

My mouth tilts into a smile at his confession, "You love me?"

He nods and looks down at me with puppy eyes, so I decide to act rather than think for once. My arms wrap around his neck and pull him down as my mouth meets his. His arms encircle my waist as he brings me closer to him, accepting the kiss.

I smile as he pulls away a little to mumble "I guess this means you like me back?"

I nod and pull him back in for more.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now