Imagine- Hammered Hearts

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I sigh but smile as Eddie stumbles from his van, slamming the passenger door shut since I drove him home. He leans on the side unsteadily, waiting for me to come and help him.

I wrap an arm around his middle as he slings his arm around my shoulders, leaning into me as his breath is hot near my ear.

"Come on, up you go." I huff as Eddie takes on tiny step at a time up the stairs leading to his trailer. As soon as we get in I shove him onto the couch, where he collapses and starts laughing hysterically.

I arch an eyebrow and look at him as if he's gone mad. "Uhh, you okay there Munson?" I mumble. Eddie nods and waves the comment off.

"I-I think I'm falling for you." He laughs, panting as his hair falls in front of his face. I roll my eyes and crouch down in front of him, carefully lifting my hand as I push his hair away from his face.

"There you are." I coo, smiling as his eyes widen. Eddie's lips part as he looks down at me, his hands reach out and squish my cheeks together so I look like a fish.

"You're so pretty, there's no wonder I'm in love with you." He sighs, dumbly smiling. I stop breathing and try to pull back, but end up falling on my ass.

Eddie tilts his head and squints down at me. "You don't have to sit on the floor." He murmurs as he pats the empty space next to him.

I shake my head and stand up on wobbly legs, laughing it off. "You're delusional."

Eddie pouts and pushes himself up, he wobbles but stays standing, he takes one step towards me and holds out a pinky. "Promise not to tell anyone if I tell you a secret." He whispers, looking around the trailer as if someone will hear.

I bite back a smile and nod, grabbing his wrist I lead him to his room, turning around as he begins to undress down to his underwear. Eddie comes behind me, not touching but he might as well be since my body feels hot, goosebumps raise on my skin as he leans down and rests his chin on my shoulder.

"I have the biggest crush on Y/N   Y/L/N." He murmurs, chuckling before backing away and falling into bed.

My mouth opens, I'm more confused than before. I figured the first time he said it he was joking, but a second time? This isn't a set up.

"You do?" I pretend to meekly ask, perching on the edge of his bed as his eyes close.

Eddie grins, eyes still closed he adds "One day I'm gonna ask her out, I'm just worried she'll say no."

"Trust me, she won't." I whisper as his breathing evens out. I lie down on the end of the bed, grabbing a blanket as I try to fall asleep.

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