Imagine- The Banned Book

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I sit at my desk, textbook up as the teacher drawls on and on, I'm usually a good student but we've been learning the same thing for the last three weeks, and I'm pretty sure I'm now an expert in the topic.

My actual book that I'm reading is tucked infront of the textbook, my eyes soak in the words of the novel, but every so often I look up and pretend I'm reading along.

Briefly to my left I see Eddie blatantly doodling in his notebook, not bothering to hide the fact he's ignoring the teacher. A few other students are doing their own thing too, but most just look bored and ready to fall asleep.

I go back to my book, immensely intrigued by the plot and the writing style, I know I shouldn't be reading it since Principal Higgins banned it, but I was determined to find out why. I mean, banning books because they teach a valuable lesson shouldn't be a crime.

Some time passes, and I'm way to invested in the story to even notice until it's too late. A shadow stands in front of my desk and I look up to see my teacher staring down at me with a look that could kill. He snatches up my textbook and my book.

"You'll never learn anything if you're as ignorant as you are stupid. And this book? It's banned from the school, you should know better." He angrily states, taking my book to his desk and locking it up.

My cheeks flare as everyone stares at me, and I feel a wave of anger and embarrassment wash over me.

"Ignorance is the same as being stupid." Eddie pipes up, sitting straighter in his chair as the teacher glares at him before continuing the lesson. Eddie looks at me and mouths "Are you okay?"

I nod and try to pay attention, but all I can think about is my book and the final few chapters I was getting to. The bell rings and we all pack up our things, so I head to the front of the class and give the teacher a small smile.

"Please could I have my book back, I'm sorry for reading in class, it won't happen again."

The teacher shakes his head and smiles maliciously "You're right about that, this book is mine and you won't be getting it back."

"But-" I argue, but he gives me a withering stare. I spin on my heel and march out of class, disappointed and annoyed with myself.

"I'll help you get it back." Eddie murmurs from over my shoulder as I walk down the corridor, adjusting the bag on my shoulder.

"How? I don't want to get into more trouble." I reply, glancing up at him as I reach my locker.

Eddie leans against it before I can even open it. "End of the day, meet me outside his class. You distract him and get him away from the room, I'll get in and grab the book, easy peasy."

I sigh and shake my head, pinching my nose. "Eddie, you saw him lock the drawer, it's not that easy."

Eddie smirks and grabs a shiny metal thing from his pocket. "I've got it covered."

I look at him and slump my shoulders. "Okay, but I swear if we get caught."

Eddie winks and struts off, leaving me to linger until the end of the day.


"Excuse me, could I talk to you please?" I sweetly ask the idiotic teacher after school. He sighs and beckons me into the class, but remembering Eddie's plan, I shake my head and point down the corridor. "I wanted to show you something."

The teacher eyes me up suspiciously, but nods and stands up, checking the locked drawer one more time before following me down the hall.

I briefly see Eddie sneak into the classroom right as we round the corner, so I pray he's quick and this manic idea works.

I lead the teacher to the library and make up some silly story about banning some other book I've never read, suggesting how it could be harmful to teenagers. By the end of my ridiculous rant, the teacher shakes his head.

"The BFG is a children's story, next time be sure to use my time wisely." He crossly tells me before striding out of the library and back to his dingy little classroom.

I sigh and slump against the bookshelves, but I have no time to rest as Eddie suddenly appears, looking like he's proud of himself.

"Did you get it?" I ask, looking around incase anyone hears us.

Eddie nods enthusiastically and grabs my beloved book from his back pocket. "Yeah, and I got these." He grins, holding up a pack of cigarettes.

I roll my eyes but smile, then impulsively lean up and wrap my arms around his neck. "Thank you so much." I whisper. Eddie hugs me back and chuckles.

"I'd never dream of separating a bookworm from her book." He murmurs, holding me tighter.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now