Imagine- Bathtime Battles

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AN: This imagine deals with PTSD and panic attacks, please take care♡

Okay, so I may have had a few many beers, at least that's what I think as I stumble around the kitchen, reaching up into the cupboards for a snack. I groan as I try to reach it, but I'm too short.

"What're you doing?" Eddie's voice asks from where he strolls out of the living room, one eyebrow raised as he sips from his beer.

I don't respond, instead I grunt and read even higher, except my hands accidently knock a whole bag of flour down. In slow motion I watch as it falls towards me, the white power scatters everywhere like a snowstorm, including all over me.

I stand shocked for a moment, until a hysterical laugh climbs up my throat. Eddie laughs and doubles over, holding his stomach as I giggle and wipe flour away from my face, but it doesn't do much since my hands are also covered.

"You need a bath to get that all off." Eddie muses, grabbing my hand and leading me upstairs, but my mind blanks as I realise what he's said.

Eddie leads me into the bathroom and begins running a bath, but watching the water ripple already makes me feel stone cold sober. Flashes of that night at Lovers Lake makes me shiver, and I back away from the tub.

Eddie doesn't notice, he's too busy pouring bubble bath and checking the temperature to notice I'm shaking, my eyes fill with tears as I think about that night.

The silence of the lake moments before Jason and Patrick swim their way to me and Eddie. Jason's worried face as Eddie's arms wrap around me. The sound of Patrick's bones snapping as Vecna kills him. The splash of his body.

"I said, do you want Mr Ducky to join yo-" Eddie begins as I refocus and try to blink it all away, but now he realises somethings wrong.

He turns off the running water and stands up, immediately leaning down at my height as his eyes scan my face. He frowns and looks between me and the bath.

"You're scared?" He gently asks without judgement.

I nod and lick my lips, hating to admit this. "I haven't had a bath since...that night. Showers are usually quick but I haven't overcome the sick feeling after."

Eddie nods understandingly, as if he's had the same thing. "Alright, okay," he sighs, looking around to figure something out, "well all of this isn't going to come off easily, would it be okay if I come in with you, so you're not alone?"

I look up at him, the answer of "no" on the edge of my lips, but I find myself nodding, maybe this will help me get over it. Or at least Eddie will be with me if I die of a heart attack.

Eddie lifts his tee over his head, so I begin to do the same until I'm left in my bra and underwear. Eddie has the same idea because he keeps his on too before stepping into the tub and holding out a hand.

I stare at his rings, breathing deeply as I tip toe forward and place my hand in his. "Just breathe with me and focus on me, okay?" He whispers.

I nod as he squeezes my hand, I finally lift a leg and place it in the water, but already I feel ill. Eddie pulls me slightly so I lift the other leg until we're both standing together, hand in hand.

"I'll sit down and you perch in front of me." Eddie mumbles as he lowers himself down with a sigh. I begin to follow, breathing heavier than before as I settle between his legs.

"There you go sweetie, you're doing so well." He murmurs, wrapping an arm around my shoulder and neck as he places a kiss to my head.

My fingers graze the water and I try to relax, but they tremble as I remember the feeling of the cold and darkness of Lovers Lake.

"When I was younger, my mom used to bath me and I would pretend to be a dolphin, I used to make noises and stick my ass out of the water as I laid on my stomach." Eddie muses, his other hand grabs the cloth and begins to wipe the flour on my face.

I laugh and lean back further so I can look at him. "You'd make a cute dolphin, but if anything you're definitely a turtle."

Eddie smirks and shrugs as he continues helping me clean. After a few minutes all the flour is gone and I'm all clean.

"Wanna get out?" Eddie asks. Unexpectedly I shake my head and sigh, getting used to the feeling as I trace Eddie's tattoos on his chest.

"I'm starting to feel okay, thank you for this." I mumble.

Eddie smiles and nods as he brushes my hair away from my face. All of a sudden he picks up a rubber duck and pretends it kisses me. "I'm quackers for you."

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now