Imagine- Lingerine Lows

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I've noticed Eddie's been really stressed lately, and I've decided that I wanted to plan something special for us, something we can both enjoy to take our minds off of things and get some us time.

Luckily Wayne won't be home until late tomorrow morning, so Eddie and I have the trailer to ourselves. I take a deep breath and look into the mirror in Eddie's room, my eyes roam my body and the way the lingerine set looks.

I'm not a massive fan, and I hesitate taking it off and just putting some normal pyjamas on, but I know how much Eddie loves it when I wear some sexy things on occasion. I sigh and climb onto his bed where I've set out the bottle of wine and pizza, anticipating that Eddie will be home from Hellfire Club soon.

Minutes pass as I lie down, staring at the ceiling. Minutes turn into an hour, as I toss and turn, sighing and nervously playing with my outfit.

After two hours, I huff and sit up, getting angry and upset. I know it isn't Eddie's fault, but he did promise to come back before now. Where even is he?

The pizza is cold but I eat it anyway, relishing in the cheesy goodness. I wipe the crumbs off of Eddie's bed as I open the wine, taking swigs from the bottle. With every mouthful I feel more and more lightweight, even more giggly and ready for Eddie to come back.

More time passes as I lay back down, feeling my eyes drop and my body relaxes into the snuggly scent of Eddie's duvet.


Something warm caresses my cheek, I tilt my head towards it, groaning as my head pounds. I slowly blink my eyes open and come face to face with a sorry looking Eddie, his eyebrows are drawn together and his eyes are wide and apologetic. He's crouched down next to me, his hand cupping my face.

I smile and mumble "Surprise", Eddie's mouth tilts into a small smile as he nods and leans forward, pressing a quick and light kiss to my lips.

"I'm so sorry Y/N, Dustin's mom couldn't pick him up so I took him home, but then my van wouldn't start so I had to quickly fix that and-" he sighs and shakes his head, "nevermind, I'm here now sweetheart."

"Come here love bug." I laugh, opening my eyes as I forget about the lingerine and literally everything else. Eddie smirks as his eyes scan my body, I expect him to make a move, but instead he leans down and pulls the duvet back over me and kisses my forehead.

"Not tonight, you're too drunk," he murmurs as he undresses and slips under the covers next to me. I roll over and sigh, making myself comfy on his arm and chest.

"I promise I'll make it up to you, besides we can't have that set going to waste, can we?" He whispers, his fingers trailing down my arm.

I grin but my eyes begin to close, so Eddie chuckles and softly says "Sweet dreams."

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now