Imagine- Kneeling

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"You hardly pay attention in class, it's frustrating!" I exclaim angrily, throwing my hands up and turning around. I'm fed up of Eddie constantly asking me to tutor him.

All of a sudden, Eddie grabs my hand and spins me around, backing me into the lockers. I look around nervously, hoping no eager students are lingering about on this Wednesday afternoon.

"Y/N, please, you're the only one I want," he murmurs looking down at me with pursed lips, I widen my eyes and stare up at him in shock. As if he's realised what he's said, he adds on "The only one I want to tutor me, you're smart and patient."

I give him a look that says "Really?" Eddie pouts and lowers himself to the floor, getting on his knees as he catches my hand in his.

"Please, I'm literally on my knees for you." He laughs bringing my hand to his mouth and kissing it. I tug my hand back and giggle at his dramatic behaviour.

"Okay, okay, you can come over at six, but this better be worth it." I say, pointing a finger at him.

Eddie fist bumps the air and stands up, holding out his hand for a high five. "I promise, I know it'll be worth it."

I narrow my eyes, feeling like this isn't just about studying, but I guess I'll find out....

------------------Later That Night----------------

I let Eddie into my bedroom, nervously moving things about as his eyes roam the room. He stands in front of my bookshelves, his fingers brushing the spines of my collection.

"Nice erotica." He teases. Oh my God, I blush furiously and throw a plushie at him, it rebounds as he smirks.

"Okay, I'll give you my annotated book and you just read a chapter at a time, then we can talk through it." I say as I pass him my worn copy of Romeo and Juliet.

Eddie sighs and throws himself onto my bed, then surprisingly begins reading. I sit on the edge of the bed, emptying my schoolbag for the day and grabbing a hair tie.

I notice as I'm messily putting my hair up that Eddie's watching me. I clear my throat as he closes the book.

"So, what do you think?" I ask, giving Eddie a smile.

He shrugs and puts the book down. "It's okay, but that Romeo dude is an asshole, he moved on so fast from that other chick. When you love someone, you shouldn't give up on them, ever."

I swallow, the tension in the air thick as I nod and pick my blanket threads. "Yeah, but maybe he realised Juliet was a better option, so he just gave up Rosaline after trying so hard."

Eddie shakes his head and points to the book. "Doesn't change anything, I'd never give up on you-"

Our eyes meet and Eddie laughs it off, but I stare at him and mumble "I'm not right for you, so you should just stop trying to be with me."

Eddie's hand reaches out and gently takes out my hair tie, my hair falls down my face as he cups my cheek. "I can't, you're everything I want wrapped up in a perfect little bow, but tell me the word and I'll leave you alone. I promise."

I stare at Eddie, wondering if that's what I want. I'm about to say yes but I shake my head. "Stay."

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now