Imagine- Break The Tension

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I sigh as I drive back into the school parking lot, pissed to be back again on a Friday night, but I've got to pick up my little brother Dustin from his silly club.

I wait in the car, listening to music as the sky gets darker and darker, minutes pass until I reach my limit.

I turn the car off, leaving the safety of the warm as I make my way into the school, my steps echo down the empty corridors as I finally reach the drama room.

I'm about to knock on the door when it suddenly opens and some kids come out, looking at me weirdly as they whoop and jog past me, cheering for some reason.

"What are you doing here?" I hear Dustin call from inside the room. It looks pretty cool to be honest, with some set up lights and a table filled with figures and the aftermath of some teenage appetite.

"I got fed up of waiting dumb ass, you should be grateful I actually come pick you up." I retort, narrowing my eyes as Dustin rummages in his bag.

I grab the car keys from my pocket and fidget with them as I wait, tapping my foot impatiently.

"So you're Henderson's infamous sister? I thought you'd be...different." a mocking voice says from around the corner. Dustin huffs a laugh as he shrugs his bag on his shoulder, strolling towards me.

"Yeah, she left all the cool genes for me." Dustin grins as I roll my eyes, biting back a smile.

Some dude appears from the shadows, his long brown hair messy and his style is unique in a nerdy metal head sort of way. My heart skips a beat but I push down the feelings.

"Different how?" I shoot back at him as Dustin pulls my arm.

"Y/N, meet the dungeon master, Eddie."

My eyebrows knit together in confusion for a second as I process the terms Dustin used. Dungeon what? Shaking my head I pat Dustin's shoulder but he shrugs me off.

"I just mean-" Eddie leads off with a smile, "Dustin tells me you're a bookworm."

I give Dustin a withering look and he holds his hands up in a surrender. "Yeah," I mumble, "you could say that. Anyway, let's go Dusty Bun" I tease, leading Dustin out.

To no avail, Eddie follows us out, jangling his pockets with his keys. "You pick Dustin up often?" Eddie asks as Dustin pauses in front of us, spinning around so his shoes squeak.

"No, no, no. You're not supposed to get along, you can't flirt with her!" Dustin exclaims.

I laugh as Eddie gives him a pointed look. "Chill out dude, I'm just making conversation."

"Yeah Dustin, give it a rest." I grin, playfully shoving him as Eddie holds the door for us. I curtsey jokingly but Eddie's eyes light up.

"Jesus, can't you break the tension!" Dustin hollers from near the car. I shake my head as I turn and decide to give this a shot...

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