Normal Things Headcanon

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Normal/everyday things you and Eddie do together;

●Eat breakfast together, essentially this is just sitting with Eddie as he downs a cup of coffee of can of Mountain Dew. Sometimes he'll reluctantly eat a piece of toast or handful of cereal if you remind him. The mornings are quiet since Eddie's still pretty sleepy.

●You both watch TV together, Eddie loves it when you snuggle next to him and watch a show or movie. He's a talker though, and sometimes it's annoying, so the easiest way for you to enjoy a movie is to place a bowl of popcorn on his lap.

●Sit outside with Eddie whilst he smokes. He doesn't really like smoking inside because Wayne complains, so Eddie sits on the steps of the trailer or over at the benches as he smokes his cigarette. You'll often sit between his legs or bury your face into his chest as he wraps an arm around you, asking if you're cold or if you want to go back in.

●Cleaning together. Eddie isn't very tidy and often needs someone to tell him to clean up. You both listen to music in his room as you vacuum or dust, Eddie will put clothes away and any other random objects he finds, but let's be honest, as soon as he finds that lost or forgotten thing, his concentration is gone.

●Doing the dishes together. You wash up as Eddie dries, working together as you chat to tidy up. Eddie has a habit of wrapping his arms around your middle and kissing your neck or shoulders as you wash up, then he'll sneakily grab a handful of bubbles and throw them in your face, which ends up in a bubble fight.

●Shopping together. Eddie doesn't have a huge amount of money but he likes to occasionally buy you small things when he can, often if you pick something up then put it down, Eddie makes an excuse that he forgot something and will go back and buy the thing. Also it's Eddie's responsibility to do the shopping for Wayne, so you'll sometimes help him out as he does the ordinary shopping.

●Studying together. Eddie hates studying unless it's for his favourite subjects, so you often help him study by teaching him things, this also helps you as you can recall the information and explain things. Eddie soon gets bored, and ends up laying on top of you, leading to a makeout session.

●Watching Eddie play his guitar, or watching Corroded Coffin practice. Eddie loves it when you enjoy his music, and secretly wants some praise. You cheer him on and absolutely melt over his grins after he's played a riff, he always looks to you to see your smile.

●Getting ready for bed together. You both have separate routines, so you work around each other before flopping into bed. Eddie loves this part of the day because you both cuddle and he loves being close to you. Sometimes it'll result in some...physical time, sometimes you'll both talk about the randomest shit until one of you falls asleep.

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