Imagine- When It's Time

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We all sit in Max's trailer, still reeling from Vecna's plans and our adventure into the Upside Down, on top of that we've now discovered Vecna wants me just as much as he wants Max, since either of us are vulnerable. I sit practically on Eddie's lap, his arm tight around my shoulders as we all discuss our next move.

"Vecna will come for me, so I'll just distract him." Max shrugs, as if she's not putting her life on the line again. I shake my head and stand up, Eddie's face looks horrified as if he already knows what I'm going to say.

"No, I'm not letting you go through that again. I'm doing it, I'm older and if something happens to me-" I cut off as Eddie grabs my hand, pulling me back down onto his lap, "I'm doing it, end of discussion."

There's a somber silence, everyone avoids each others eyes until Nancy clears her throat and speaks up. "Okay, we just need some weapons."

Everyone agrees and I get up, pulling Eddie into the bathroom as everyone talks. As soon as the doors shut Eddie grabs my shoulders, squeezing ever so gently.

"You're not putting yourself in mortal danger Y/N!" He exclaims, leaning down and looking into my eyes. I shake my head and exhale.

"Eddie, she's just a kid. When Vecna targets Max I'm going to stop him, somehow I'll piss him off and get his attention, I don't know what he'll do so I'm gonna need you to get Max out of there, keep the kids safe." I plead.

Eddie scoffs in annoyance and lets go of me, turning around and leaning his forehead against the door. "No, don't ask me to do that. I'm not leaving you alone with that monster."

I grab Eddie's arm, pulling him around to face me. I smile and lean forward, pressing a kiss to his lips. Eddie meets me halfway and snakes his arms around my waist, holding me close to him as our mouths say everything words can't.

"I can't just leave you to fight him." Eddie whispers between the desperate kiss, his hands find my hair as he tilts my head to deepen the kiss.

"Please Eddie, the kids need us. I know you'd do the same thing." I whisper back, my eyes filling with emotion.

After a few seconds, Eddie swears but nods, instead of kissing me he squeezes me close, I can hardly breathe but I know this is what Eddie needs.

"I'll be fine...probably." I mumble, pushing him back a little just as the others call our names.

"You better be, or I'll kill the bastard myself." Eddie says, kissing me one more time.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now