Headcanon Aftercare With Eddie

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After some...physical time with Eddie, you'd be exhausted since the man somehow really knows what he's doing. Usually he kisses you on the head and asks of you're okay, constantly checking if he hurt you or if you need anything.

Eddie will pull you close and probably light up a cigarette, laying next to you as he smokes.

Eddie will also grab you whatever you need, often drinks and things to help clean you up and make you more comfortable. He'll compliment you endlessly, calling you "beautiful" and "fucking perfect"

Sometimes you or Eddie like to shower or bath after, so he'll make sure to join you and care for you by washing your hair or lathering you up with soap in a non sexual way...most of the time, depending on how many rounds you've just had.

Eddie always feels closer to you after it, so he'd be extra cuddly and clingy, not letting you go. He loves it when you stay with him and fall asleep, and hates it when you've got to go, often whining and asking when you're coming back.

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