Christmas With Eddie Headcanon

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Christmas with Eddie is fairly chill. He wakes you up with kisses and softly says "Merry Christmas sweetheart" before initiating some more...initiate behaviour underneath some mistletoe he hung above his bed.

Afterwards, you both head to the living room where both of your presents are. There aren't a lot because Eddie's financial situation isn't amazing, but every gift is thoughtful and amazing. You both sit on the floor together, taking turns to undo each others gifts.

If Wayne is home, he'll crack open a beer and sit on the couch watching you both until you and Eddie give him his presents. His face lights up and Wayne and Eddie share a nice moment. Wayne also takes a few photos of you and Eddie, as well as a 'family' photo.

You insist on attempting a Christmas dinner, so Eddie tries to assist you as you cook. It goes okay even though all Eddie did was watch and hug you throughout almost all of it.

Whilst cooking you turn on the radio and dance to Christmas music. Eddie insists he hates it, but you can vaguely hear him humming and grinning as he watches you sway.

Eddie and you both eat your dinner with Wayne if he's still home. After you both have a few drinks and play a board game. It goes smoothly at first until Eddie begins losing, so he accidentally knocks over the board.

To finish the evening off, you and Eddie curl up on the couch with some blankets and watch a movie, until you fall asleep and Eddie carries you to his bed, tucking you against him as he murmurs "You're my favourite present."

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now