Imagine- Good To Me ♡

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I smile as Eddie kisses me, his hands are in my hair as I straddle his waist, both of us panting as we makeout.

I hear a car door close so I lean back and look at Eddie momentarily before throwing myself off of his lap and onto the empty spot on the sofa next to him.

Seconds later my dad, Jim Hopper AKA the police chief of Hawkins comes strolling through the front door.

He takes off his hat as he stares between me and Eddie. "What's he doin' here?" Hopper asks, eyeing up Eddie as if he's an unknown object.

"We were just hanging out dad." I shrug, giving him a small smile as Eddie covers up a snort with a cough.

Hopper nods and takes off his belt, placing his gun right on the coffee table in front of Eddie. Their eyes meet with so much tension I could probably grab it. I stand up and grab Eddie's hand.

"Eddie's gotta go now, band practice and all." I say, tugging Eddie to the front door as Hopper heads to the bathroom.

"Do you think he knows?" Eddie asks, looking over my shoulder. I smile and shrug, "It doesn't matter, I'm old enough and responsible over my own actions."

Eddie's eyes soften as he reaches out and brushes a thumb over my lips. Quickly he leans forward and captures my mouth in another kiss. I place my hands on his chest, gently pushing him away with wide eyes as I glance over my shoulder.

"Eddie! If my dad catches us it's a one way ticket to being grounded." I exclaim in a whisper.

Eddie nods and gently grabs my hand as he opens the front door and backs away out onto the porch. Suddenly he pins me to the wall near the front door and leans his forehead against mine. "I wish we didn't have to hide like this." He murmurs, nuzzling my nose with his own.

I open my mouth to reply when I hear my dad shout "Is he gone yet?" I stare at Eddie as I shout back "He's now leaving dad."

Eddie smirks and presses a passionate but quick kiss to my lips before backing away and heading to his van. I wave and go back inside to where Hopper stands in the middle of the room, arms crossed.

"Out of everyone in Hawkins you had to choose him?" He asks with a sigh, rubbing a hand over his face.

I'm about to shake my head, but then realise it's not worth lying since Hopper already knows. "He's good to me." I shrug, a stupid smile tilts my lips.

"He better be, otherwise I'll bury him where nobody will ever find him." Hopper practically growls before going to the fridge.

I bite my lip and head to my room.

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