Imagine- Map Makers

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AN: Lately I've been obsessed with making little fantasy maps after seeing a TikTok video, so I thought this would make a cute imagine!

I sit at the coffee table opposite Eddie, our legs are crossed as we both flip a coin to see who gets to use the bowl of uncooked rice first. Eddie wins, so I watch as he not so carefully tips the dry rice over his paper, forming a blob with a few other smaller sections.

I lean back and smile as he sticks his tongue out, concentrating as he uses my pencil to draw around the rice, forming a map shape. Every so often he looks up at me, asking "Does this look right?" I obviously nod, meaning it since the map looks like something we've studied in geography.

Once he's done, Eddie frowns at the rice still sitting on his paper. "Uh, how do you want it?" He asks.

I bite back a smile, knowing I could make a dirty innuendo out of his comment, but instead I give him a look that says 'really?' then begin carefully tipping the rice back into the pot.

Now it's my turn, so I slowly tip the rice back out, trying to form a map like shape, but I just don't see it.

I sigh and place the pot down. "This looks rubbish, do you wanna do mine for me?" Eddie's eyebrows draw together as he shakes his head and tuts at me. "It looks fine, oh ye of little faith, trust me." His smile is reassuring so I nod and take the pencil he passes to me. I lean down to the paper, trying my best to draw around the rice to make a map, and it actually starts to look pretty good.

I grin and look up at Eddie, who's got his head resting on the table watching me, his mouth is quirked up as if he's been smiling at me. "Hey, look!" I excitedly say, showing him my paper.

Eddie grins and reaches out a hand, cupping my cheek and rubbing it with his thumb he murmurs "I knew you could do it, you can do anything."

I blush and draw back, smiling as Eddie chuckles and beyond adding some things to his map. I tidy up the rice and follow, occasionally we talk about where to add trees and mountains.

Once Eddie's done, he holds it up like a child. It looks kind of scruffy but well thought out, and I can see where he's taken inspiration from the Lord of the Rings maps.

"How's it looking?" Eddie asks, biting him thumb nail nervously. I smile and nod enthusiastically, "It looks so good, what's this little house over here?"

Eddie looks back at his paper and licks his lips nervously before replying "Our home." His sweet tone warms my heart, so I craw over to him and wrap my arms around his neck as he embraces me.

"I think it's perfect." I smile, planting a kiss on his cheek.

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