Imagine- The Bail

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The phone wakes me up. I scrunch my face up as my eyes stay closed, I'm still figuring out if this is part of my dream or not. Except it keeps going once I finally sit up and rub my eyes.

Quickly, I roll out of bed and dash out of my bedroom, heading to the home phone in my pyjamas, my feet feel cold on the kitchen tiles.

"Hello?" I mumble, clearing my voice as I look up at the clock, my heart skips a beat as I find out it's around 2 AM.

"Hello miss, I'm calling from Hawkins police station, I believe we have your boyfriend here if you'd like to come bail him out, if not I'll have to make further arrangements for him to be-" the police officer says, but I cut him off.

"I'll be there in 15 minutes, thank you." I say feeling wide awake. I put the phone down and lean my back against the wall, sighing heavily as I rub a hand over my face.

"Damn it Eddie." I murmur to nobody, I've never been so glad for my parents to be away on a buisness trip.

I get dressed, slinging on yesterday's clothes and my favourite coat before making my way to the police station, I'm surprised to see it pretty empty other than a few drunk men and some half asleep desk officers.

"Are you Miss Y/L/N?" A police officer asks from across the room. I nod as he leads me to the cells.

"He's in there, I'll go get the paperwork." He tells be, before leaving me standing in front of the bars, with Eddie sat inside.

"What have you done now?" I angrily ask as Eddie looks up at me with guilt. He stands up and grabs the bars, sticking his face through them as if he's planning on squeezing out.

"I got caught driving with from Rick's." Eddie mumbles, avoiding my eyes suddenly. I shake my head and sit down in a chair opposite his cell.

"This is the second time I've had to bail you out Eddie, I can't do it a third." I whisper, it sounds like a shout with how quiet Eddie goes. His body stiffens as his eyes water.

"I get it, I'm more trouble than I'm worth." He mumbles, slumping on the floor and bringing his knees to his chest,  Eddie rests his chin on them and tears fall from his eyes.

I feel so conflicted right now, but I know what I want to do.

I get up and crouch near the bars, I slip my hand through and cup his cheek, wiping his tear stained face with my thumb.

"You're worth everything to me Eddie, that's why you've got to stop risking us just for this drug money, please." I murmur as Eddie leans into my touch.

He nods and meets my eyes, "I swear this is the last time, I'll make it up to you."

I nod just as the police officer comes back in with a clipboard. "If you could fill this in and then you can go."

I quickly do as I'm told, signing my name and address, not commenting on the low price of the bail is. I pass it back to the police officer who gives me a small smile.

"You've got a good woman here, if I were you I'd quit this childish shit and get your act together for her." The police officer tells Eddie as he unlocks the cell.

Eddie nods and walks out, grabbing my hand and leading me out of the station, ignoring the dirty looks and whispers.

As soon as we get outside, Eddie turns around and wraps me into a hug. "Thank you for coming, I didn't know if you would."

I hug him back, noticing how he's shivering. "I'll always come Eddie, just make sure this is the last time."

Eddie nods once as he gets into my car and leans his head against the window, letting out a massive shaky sigh.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now