Imagine- As You Are

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AN: This imagine covers body image briefly♡

I stand in the middle of the living room as I watch the TV display a variety of exercise movements and workouts. I frown, wondering how my mother can tolerate the nasally woman screeching about 'the perfect body.'

As soon as I think I've got it figured out, I begin copying her actions, panting heavily after ten minutes. Sweat drips down my head as I give up and practically collapse on the couch, frowning at the perfect woman on TV.

Eddie knocks on the door so I quickly stand up and let him in, before rushing to turn the TV off. His eyebrows quirk up as he sees it momens before I shut it off.

"I didn't think you were into all this stuff?" He asks, nodding at the TV then to my gym wear.

I shrug it off as I pull my top down. "I figured I'd try and lose some weight, I'm sure you'd love it." I laugh, but Eddie frowns and shakes his head.

"Why would you say that?" He softly asks, sitting down and patting the empty space next to him. I hesitantly perch on the edge of the couch and hang my head low.

"I thought guys liked girls with small waists and perfect bodies." I mumble, feeling self conscious and embarrassed.

Eddie's hand cups my chin and raises my head, he stares into my eyes as he softly but sternly says "I love you as you are. I love your stomach," he smiles, pushing me down as he plants kisses on my stomach, "and I love your marks." he continues, still kissing me as I smile.

Eddie leans up on his elbows above me as he presses one final kiss to my lips. "Your body is a map I'd happily spend my life exploring, you're strong and capable, your body doesn't define who you are," he gently taps his fingers on my forehead then my chest, "your mind and heart are more important."

I bite my lip as it wobbles, then I wrap my arms around him as he lays his head on my chest, embracing me back. "I love you Eddie." I whisper.

Eddie gives me a squeeze as he murmurs "I love you too sweetheart" back.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now