Competitive Headcanon

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Eddie is secretly very competitive. Although he loves to observe the chaos of DnD campaigns and take charge, he equally likes competing and fighting small battles (he thinks of a lot of things as DnD references)

Eddie challenges anyone whenever he can. One time he challenged Gareth to see who can drink a can of Mountain Dew the fastest. This led to a lot of stomach ache and some serious gas.

Eddie takes challenges pretty seriously, he swears and sticks his tongue out as he focuses on whatever it is he's doing, putting his full attention into it.

If you're dating Eddie, expect silly challenges like "I'll race you to..." or "I bet I can..." because the man loves a challenge.

He's pretty fair though, and hesitantly admits when he's wrong or can't do something. Often he'll just open out his arms and say something like "Hey, I can't be good at everything."

For you, Eddie will smirk and nod, looking at you with admiration. Sometimes you take after Eddie and challenge other people. When you win he mumbles "My girl is so talented."

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