Imagine- Taking My Heart

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The flashing lights grab my attention as I sit in my bedroom. I peek out of the window and suddenly panic as I realise the police car is parked outside of Eddie's trailer. Damn it!

I rush out of the trailer and jog to Eddie's, ignoring the stares from windows as I race up the steps and past Wayne who is shaking his head and lighting a cigarette, heading outside.

As soon as I'm inside the trailer my heart drops. Eddie sits on the couch with his head in his hands, and police chief Hopper is near the doorway, his hands on his hips.

"Eddie, what's going on?" I ask, walking past Hopper and crouching down next to Eddie. He looks up at me looking apologetic and guilty. His eyes glance at the coffee table, and I finally see what the trouble is.

There's a massive bag of weed.

"Shit Eddie, you said you'd stop dealing." I hiss quietly. Eddie nods and mumbles "I know, I'm sorry."

I breathe a sigh and look at Hopper, who's now grabbing the handcuffs from his belt. "Is that really necessary?" I snap, standing up and crossing my arms. Hopper opens his mouth to say something but Eddie stands up and gently pushes past me, holding out his wrists.

"No Eddie," I plead, my anger now dissolving to fear and pain, "please don't take him!" I plead with Hopper, but Eddie turns around and quickly grabs my face in his hands.

"I'll be fine, I've done this before remember? Don't worry about me, just keep up with the studying and know that I love you, okay?"

Tears coat my eyes and I don't trust myself to talk, so I nod as Hopper grabs Eddie and arrests him, dragging him outside to the car.

Wayne looks away as Eddie slips in the back, even Hopper doesn't look happy to be doing this. I cross my arms as Eddie gives me a smile, mouthing "I love you."

Hop starts the car and drives off, taking my heart with him. I really hope this goes like last time so I can have my Eddie back within a few days...

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now