Fight Headcanon

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Eddie's never been in a fight, but if someone threatens or is mean to you, he has no hesitation on defending you and standing in front of you.

He acts cocky and sarcastic, but he doesn't have a clue what to do in a fight. Like he did with Jason, he'll probably provoke the person, annoying them to get them riled up rather than using his fists to do the damage.

The only way to calm him down is to tug his hand and call his name, when he does get angry, he gets mad. He'd look at you, and know that you don't want him to do this, so he'll wrap an arm around you and guide you out of there, kissing your head and asking if you're okay.

You're one of the most important things in his life, and he will do whatever it takes to make sure you're happy and that nothing bad ever happens to you, and if it does he will be by your side.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now