Imagine- Moon and Sun

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It's the desperate murmurs that wake me up first, by the time I've sat up and begun to stroke Eddie's hair, the kicking and rolling about begins.

"Shhh, it's okay, I'm here, you're safe." I say softly like a mantra, it's practically become one at this point. Tears fill my eyes as I realise this is the third time this week Eddie's had a nightmare.

He shoots up out of my arms, his hands cover his chest, over the scars of his battle with the Demobats. I immediately pull him close to me as he shakes, his sweaty head nuzzles into my neck as I rub his back, I wrap my legs around him too, knowing the weight brings him a sense of stability.

"You're in Hawkins, you're with me, you're safe and unharmed." I whisper as he grips me. We're both silent for some time, until Eddie feels ready to loosen his grip.

"I'm sorry, I just- I can't-" He breaks off with a sob. My face crumples but I keep it together for him, I have to be strong.

"I know, I know. Wanna talk about it?" I ask, knowing his answer already. This times different though, because Eddie sits up again and grabs a cigarette and his lighter.

In the dim room, Eddie begins to tell me about his nightmare. "It always starts with the vines, they're everywhere and I feel so trapped. Then I hear you screaming for help, and I try to find you, but I can't, not until it's too late and you're lying there on the floor-" Eddie shudders and takes a long drag, "You're there on the floor bleeding out, and then the bats come for me and then I wake up."

By the time he's done tears are slipping down my cheeks, so I hastily wipe them away and crawl in front of him on the bed. "I wish I could do anything to get these nightmares to stop Eddie, and I'm so sorry the bats got to you, I wish you'd never tried to be a hero."

Eddie gives me a small watery smile, "I'm glad I did, because it saved us all, and you know I'd die if it meant keeping you safe."

I nod and climb onto his lap, straddling him as I cup his cheeks between my hands. "I love you Eddie, more than you could ever know."

Eddie presses his lips to mine, tasting of cigarettes and the Mountain Dew he drank earlier. "I love you too Y/N."

We kiss and collide until Eddie forgets for a while.


The next time I wake up, the sunlight is streaming through the curtains and the atmosphere feels lighter than it did last night.

I inhale, noticing how Eddie's arm is still wrapped around my waist. The time tells me that I should wake up, so with a heavy sigh I begin to slip out of bed.

However, Eddie's arm squeezes me tight so I can't move. "Please don't go, not yet."

"Wayne will be back soon, and I have a shift at the school to volunteer this afternoon." I murmur, turning around and facing Eddie. His sleepy hair curls around his head, so I brush them away gently and smile.

"Wayne doesn't care, he loves you. And you've been volunteering every day since- you know. You deserve a day off with me." Eddie deeply says, pulling me to his bare chest.

I give in since I'm tired and desperate to be with Eddie. "Okay, I'll stay."

Eddie grins and raises a hand out of the covers, fist bumping the air like the dude from Breakfast Club. "Yes! My girlfriend's gonna stay!"

I giggle as Eddie rolls onto me and kisses my neck, his hands roam my naked sides and begin tickling me. I laugh and wrap my legs around him.

"Stop, I'm gonna pee!" I breathe out, Eddie stops and stares at me from above, then leans down and kisses me slowly.

"Go pee then, and come back right away." He tells me. I slip out of bed and grab his tee, pulling it over my head as I give him a salute.

"Yes sir." I smirk. Eddie's eyebrows shoot to the roof as he gives me a look telling me he liked that. As I walk to the bathroom Eddie whistles, so I playfully flip him off as I blush.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now