Imagine- Smoking Hot

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TW: Smoking drugs

Eddie lies on the bed as he takes another drag from his joint, carefully blowing the smoke out as he sighs, one arm tucked behind his head as he relaxes after a long day at school.

I sit up next to him, gazing down and watching the way his lips wrap around the end of the joint, the way his ringed fingers hold the end-

"Something wrong?" Eddie asks, snapping me out of my thoughts. I shake my head and smile, before quickly averting my eyes back to the notebook I was writing in.

"Do you want to try it?" Eddie asks after a few moments, I bite my lip and put my notebook to the side. I've had such a stressful day and I've always wondered what it would be like to smoke some weed...

I hesitantly nod, but then my mind tells me it's a bad idea.

"You don't have to do anything you don't want to sweetheart,you can try it another way?" Eddie softly says, sitting up and giving me a small smile.

"Okay, I just don't want to put it in my mouth" I mumble, which makes Eddie smirk. I knit my eyebrows together then blush when the dirty innuendo crosses my mind.

"Come here" Eddie mumbles as his arm wraps around my waist and pulls me on his lap so I'm straddling him.

I blush deeper as he grins, his dimples appear and I lick my lips, my gaze diverting to his mouth.

"Eyes up here sweetheart" He says, and I do as he instructs.

Eddie takes a drag of the joint, inhaling it, then gives me a small nod in question. I nod back and he leans his mouth towards mine, lips only briefly touching as I part my lips. He slowly blows the smoke into my mouth as I breathe it in. Once it's all clear, he gives me a slow but light peck before leaning back.

"You'll feel it soon." Eddie murmurs, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. I lean in to his touch even as Eddie lays back down, with me following.

My head rests on the pillow next to his as my leg hooks around his, I snuggle as close as I can get. Eddie repeats the same thing he did earlier, carefully blowing the smoke towards my mouth.

The mixture of Eddie's warmth and the weed makes me feel light and dopey, and I feel my tension float away.

"When's Wayne coming home?" I ask, my fingers playing with the pick necklace Eddie wears.

"Dunno, probably late" Eddie mumbles, putting the joint in the ashtray next to his bed.

"I want to do things to you." I laugh, feeling like I'm in a dream. Eddie laughs and I laugh with him.

"We're not doing anything, you're too high for that." Eddie responds, giving me a squeeze.

I huff and close my eyes, then roll on top of Eddie, "You're really pretty" I mumble.

Eddie looks at me as if I've spoken Spanish, then pats my head. "I'm definitely never giving you drugs again, let's get you some snacks."

I grin but close my eyes and collapse onto his chest, feeling sleepy and as warm as a burrito.

"Okay, you could just take a nap instead." Eddie murmurs, chuckling as he strokes my hair.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now