Imagine- Waltz ♡

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I smile and nod at my friends who are discussing something as we stand in the corner, drinks in hand as Tears For Fears plays in the background. I'm not usually a fan of house parties but my friends inisited I come, and besides, I needed a distraction.

"Hey, isn't that your ex?" One of them says, pointing over my shoulder as murmurs break out in the crowd.

I turn my head around and meet Eddie's gaze from across the room, his eyes quickly divert from mine and I turn back around, shaking my head.

The girl frowns and smiles at me from pity. "I'm sure it is, but nevermind, you're over him."

With another nod I down my drink and gesture to the kitchen with my head. The girls understand so I leave them, beelining my way to the precious alcohol. There's only a few people in the kitchen, most of them making out as I pour some spiked punch into my cup.

"Someone's going to be pretty sick later." Eddie nervously chuckles from behind me. I gasp and turn to face him, an immediate frown forms on my face.

"What are you doing here?" I sharply ask, sipping my drink as fast as I can without making it obvious that I'm desperate for it.

"Heard there was a party, I wanted to swing by and let loose." Eddie laughs, and I know he's lying.

I shake my head and storm past him, needing to get away as fast as possible. I nudge my way through the dancers and drunks, and find a set of stairs. I hesitantly go up them, passing rooms with some strange noises coming from them until I find a balcony that overlooks the front lawn. There's two deckchairs so I sit on one and force myself to breathe.

A few minutes pass and I begin to relax, looking up at the stars as the distant party continues in full swing.

"You're still upset with me." Eddie mumbles from behind me, leaning agasint the wall. His hand rummages through his pocket and he pulls out a cigarette. Eddie gestures to the seat next to me and I nod without thinking. He takes the seat and lights up his smoke, taking a long inhale before slowly letting out the plume of smoke.

I cross my arms and stare ahead, watching as a couple laugh and grab each other, kissing as they let themselves into the garage below.

"I get why you're still upset, but I thought we could...I thought you'd be fine." Eddie softly says, giving me a small smile.

I scoff and shake my head. " I am fine. I was doing fine, until you decided to waltz back into my life after breaking my heart. Why are you really here Eddie?" I ask, whispering the last part as tears clog my throat.

Eddie runs a hand over his face and stubs out the cigarette. "I don't know. I thought you'd be better without me." I give him a pointed look and he continues. "No, I know how your friends talked about me, about us. I figured you'd ditch me eventually so I ended things to prevent myself from getting hurt."

Part of me wants to stay mad at him. But I love him, so I sigh and sit forward. I carefully grab his hands and hold them in mine, his wide brown eyes meet mine as I reply.

"It wasn't your call to make Eddie. I decide what suits me and what doesn't, and I know for a fact that we're good together. I hated that people talked about us, but that's all part of high school gossip. I never wanted to leave you, never."

Eddie's eyes soften and he nods slowly. "I was an asshole, I'm sorry."

I can't think of anything to say, so instead I lean forward and press my lips to his, tasting the familiar taste of him, and savouring his warmth. His arms pill me closer and I end up on his lap, my arms around his neck as his hands dig into my hair.

"Shit, I'm so in love with you." Eddie smirks as he breaks the kiss. I laugh and use my thumb to stroke his cheek.

"Same here Munson, same here."

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now