Imagine- In Sickness and Health

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Before my eyes even open I know somethings wrong. My whole body aches and my nose feels stuffy.

I blink my eyes open slowly, squinting against the harsh light coming from the window of Eddie's room, his arm is still draped over my waist as I sit up, already feeling sick and ready to sneeze.

"It's time to go to school already?" Eddie deeply mumbles from behind me, groaning as he sits up and presses a kiss to the back of my shoulder. I nod and stand up with a groan, turning to face Eddie.

"Okay, you're not going to school." Eddie says, frowning as I sniffle and cough.

"I've got to, besides I'm just going to be sitting around all day if I stay-" I begin, but Eddie crawls off the bed and gently pushes my shoulders down so I sit back on the edge of the bed.

"That's exactly what you're doing, you're gonna let me take care of you whilst you get better and do nothing all day. I'm sure the school will be fine without your smart ass answers." Eddie smiles, tugging a shirt over his head.

Feeling too tired to argue, I flop back down in bed, feeling warm and fuzzy as Eddie tucks me in and strokes my hair. "I'm gonna go get you something to eat and maybe some meds, okay?"

I nod and watch as he hurries off. Within record time, Eddie comes back juggling a bowl of soup with a spoon and a cup of water.

"Here's you're fine dining m'lady." He grins, passing me the soup and setting down the cup. I thank him and begin sipping, my throat and nose already feel a tad better. "Ah, and this," Eddie adds, grabbing a bottle of cold medicine from his pocket.

I reach for it but he snatches it away and gives me a pointed look. I stare with a confused expression until he unscrews the cap and grabs my spoon, pouring some medicine onto it and slowly bringing it to my lips.

I smile and lean forward, taking it as Eddie winks. I cough and laugh, swalling the medicine without spitting it out somehow.

"Laughter is the best medicine." Eddie jokes, setting my the bowl aside and climbing onto the bed. I lean into him as he wraps an arm around my shoulders. I yawn even though I've only been awake a short time.

"Get some sleep, I'll be here when you wake up." He softly mumrurs, wiping a bit of soup from my chin. I nuzzle into the warmth and let my eyes close, but I can't seem to fall asleep.

"Can you read to me, please?" I whisper. Eddie nods and grabs a book from under his pillow. He begins reading and I finally doze off.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now