Imagine- Duet

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I sit on a worn couch in the garage where Corroded Coffin practice, I've been listening to Eddie and the band play for the last two hours, and whilst I love their music and seeing my boyfriend grin at me occasionally, I'm getting bored.

"Can I have a teeny tiny go?" I meekly ask Eddie, nodding to a stray electric guitar leaning against the wall.

"If you want, we need a break anyway." He replies. The rest of the band let out a relieved sigh as we switch places, they all sit on the couch and pop open some drinks as I pick up the worn black guitar and put the strap over my shoulder.

I look up to see Eddie smirking at me, his eyes watch as I strum a little, getting a feel for the guitar. Within minutes I'm playing a fairly light solo, whilst the others smile and whoop every so often.

Eddie raises his eyebrows as I stop, so I narrow mine and grin before beginning a song I know he loves. I can't help but feel elated as the heavy riff fills my ears, the band cheers and Gareth's jaw drops as I really get into it.

Out of nowhere another guitar joins me, in sync to the second as I continue playing. I look up to see Eddie standing opposite me, tilting his head playfully as if to see what I'll do. Instead of backing down, I flick my hair back and step over the wire connected to the amp, Stalking towards him as I continue to play the song.

Eddie follows my lead as we duet, working together as the two guitars play the same song, yet one sounds slightly different. It's time to change things up, so I quickly start playing another riff that sounds similar.

I block out everything else other than the music and Eddie, who is nodding as I play, his fingers quickly pluck the strings as he grins and still plays the old song.

Just as quick as it all began, it's over. I crack my neck and wipe the sweat from my forehead, smiling so hard my cheeks hurt and panting as if I've run a marathon.

"That. Was. Awesome!" Gareth exclaims, standing up and waving his hands in the air. I nod and accept compliments from the band, when I feel Eddie press a kiss to the side of my neck from behind me, I was so caught up I lost him for a second.

Gareth clears his throat and steps away, giving me and Eddie some privacy.

"You know, you play like a badass." He murmurs into my ear as I slide the guitar off of me and lean it back against the wall.

I turn around and wrap my arms around Eddie's neck, looking up at him. "You were okay, I'm surprised you could keep up with me." I tease, smirking.

Eddie's eyebrows shoot up as he smirks, "I can keep up with you, we just need to find out if you can keep up with me later when I take you to bed."

I blush as my eyes widen, I peek a look over to the band, but they're too busy talking. Eddie chuckles and presses a kiss to my mouth before I can reply.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now