Imagine- Beginning Of The Rest Of My Life

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Eddie POV

I walk on stage with the rest of Corroded Coffin for our weekly show at The Hideout. The crowd has slowly been growing more and more to all of our surprise, but it's still not The Garden.

Jeff and Gareth begin the opening to the song, so I pick up my guitar and slide the strap over my shoulder, positioning my feet ready for my opening riff.

The crowd cheers as the air fills with that start of show excitement, but my mind already wanders as my eyes scan the crowd, looking for the one person I invited here to see me.

By time I have to begin I still haven't found her, so I push away the disappointment and channel my feelings into the music, playing our songs with everything I've got.

Near the end of the performance we all take a quick thirty second break to have a drink. As soon as I bend down to pick up my beer bottle, I finally see the familiar face. I grin and awkwardly wave, then laugh at my own actions. God, I'm such a dumbass.

Instead of an eye roll or exit, she laughs and waves back enthusiastically. My heart beats faster as she sips from her drink, awaiting our next song.

I nod to the guys, signalling I'm ready, so we begin our final couple of songs. This time I improvise some of the riff, I know they'll kill me later but I really want to impress her.

I give her a wink as she cheers, her cheeks red from the heat in here. She's so fucking pretty I can't stop looking at her as I play, she grins and nods, bobbing her head along to the song.

Just as quick as we started we're done. Sweating and feeling the exhilarating rush of a fantastic show, I head backstage and pack up my guitar before heading outside and loading up the van.

"You're amazing! I mean, you all are!"
Y/N exclaims as she rushes towards me. I give her a huge smile as I wipe the sweat from my forehead, as well as a few strands of hair.

"Thanks, I'm glad you came along." I reply, leaning against the van door. Y/N nods and looks up at the night sky, her eyes glimmering from the moonlight.

I've already made my mind up. I'm going to spend the rest of my life with this girl.

As if she can hear my thoughts, she looks at me with a small smile on the edge of her lips. "I don't suppose you wanna grab some food or something?" I ask nervously, wondering if this could be the beginning of the rest of my life.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now