Imagine- College

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I finish packing the last few things into the box, sighing and wiping my forehead as I look around the now empty room, devoid of my favourite books and necessities.

"Is this what the inside of your head looks like sweetheart?" A familiar voice teases from my doorway. I turn around and grin at my boyfriend Eddie, before he steps forward and I wrap my arms around him, savoring as much of him as I can until I leave for college.

"I'm going to miss you so much Eddie, maybe I shouldn't leave..." I begin, bringing up the same point I've told Eddie for the hundredth time.

Eddie pushes me back and leans down to my level, pointing a finger at me he says "Don't say that, you're too smart to be weighed down, besides you're not leaving me."

I smile and sigh, "Yeah I know, I'll always be with you and all that."

Eddie smirks and shakes his head, then steps back and puts his arms around his back like a child. I arch an eyebrow at his odd behaviour, waiting until he reveals his motive, but I get inpatient and ask "What?"

Eddie breaks out into a grin and pulls a key from his pocket, "I'm renting a place five minutes away from your college, you could come stay with me or not, but I figured we could still see each other on a daily basis."

My jaw literally drops as tears fill my eyes. Eddie's face crumples as he looks between me and the keys with a confused and worried expression. "Do you not want to...?" He drawls.

I shake my head and leap into his arms. He stumbles back but wraps his arms around me with the same eagerness. "I'm so happy, you have no idea, of course I'll stay with you!"

Eddie lets out a small sigh of relief but then I realise what this means. I lean back and frown, "But what about DnD and Corroded Coffin?"

Eddie shrugs, "Hellfire is my baby, but Henderson agreed to take it on, I know the kid will do well. The band and I will still meet up and do shows together, I mean we can now perform further away right?"

I nod excitedly and look at the time on my watch. "Shit, I'm supposed to leave like now."

Eddie laughs and grabs a box with one hand, he holds out the other as I take it. "Well then, let's go." He smirks.

I nod and march for the door hand in hand with Eddie.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now