Imagine- Class Fight

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Y/E/N= Your enemy's name

I sit in the English class, thoroughly enjoying the lesson until the teacher leaves us to quickly go sort something out.

As soon as the door closes behind her, the class erupts into chaos, everyone begins shouting and gossiping, getting out of their seats and bouncing about whilst one student keeps an eye out of the classroom door.

"Truth or dare?" I hear a group of girls ask each other, I roll my eyes and look down at my book, continuing making notes as Eddie leans back in his chair next to me, stretching his arms above his head and groaning.

The next thing I know, some half popular girl called Y/E/N has her arms around my man, her lips touch his messily as the class laughs and makes stupid noises to cheer her one.

My cheeks flame from anger and embarrassment. Eddie pushes her away and stands up, looking angry and surprised.

"What the fuck?" He asks as the class quietens down. He doesn't need to ask that, because I'm already getting out of my seat and shoving past him, coming face to face with my new enemy.

"You should go sit" I say through gritted teeth. I'm not one for violence since I tend to keep to myself, but there's no way in hell I'm letting this slide so easily.

She scoffs and smirks, looking at Eddie who's hovering near my shoulder. "Oh, you two are like, a thing? I'm sure he actually enjoyed it compared to anything you do for him." She nasally says, the girls behind her snicker as Eddie tries to pull me back.

"Do you know where the nurse's office is?" I ask, a look of confusion crosses her face moments before she nods.

"Good." I smile as I bring my fist to her jaw, her whole body spins as she fall back on the desk. Eddie is way to shocked to do anything, and so the class begins to chant "Fight! Fight! Fight!"

The girl doesn't go down easily though, to my surprise she recovers and dashes to grab a fistful of my hair. I shriek from the pain and use my body weight to slam her into the wall. With a grunt she loosens her grip, giving me the opportunity to land another punch to her nose. However her friends suddenly back her up and grab me, I kick and try to wriggle out of their grip, but they're sharp nails dig into my skin, causing too much pain.

They throw me on the floor and I see Eddie trying to get to me from the outskirts of the crowd, but I shake my head. The leader gets on top of me and finally punches me in the mouth, I grin at her with bloodied lips just as the teacher comes back in, shouting as the class backs away.

"Y/E/N and Y/N, to the nurse's office now. Could someone please escort them?" She demands.

Eddie nods and grabs my arm, pulling me up and towards his chest as he leads me out of the classroom. Y/E/N is escorted by one of her minions.

"Are you okay? Can you walk?" Eddie asks, concern covers his face. The pain catches up but I nod anyway, leaning on his support as he helps me sit down in the office.

"I'm sorry...okay well I'm not, but you shouldn't have to deal with all of this." I mumble to Eddie, gesturing at myself.

"It's okay, I would have done the same, I'm just worried about you." Eddie murmurs, sitting beside me and holding my hand as the nurse comes in.

"My, my, Y/N getting into a fight? That's not like you" She asks looking shocked yet disappointed.

I shrug as she gathers her supplies to bandage me up. "Y/E/N deserved it." I quietly say. The nurse looks up with a small smile, then leans in and whispers "Someone should've put that girl in her place a long time ago, I'll do what I can to help you out."

My eyes widen as I look to Eddie, who looks just as taken aback as I am. The nurse gives me a wink as she cleans me up.

Ten minutes later I'm sat inside the principals office, being let off with a warning since the fight was completely against my normal nature. Eddie smirks as he pushes back from the wall.

"Let's go get you some painkillers and ice cream." He mumbles into my ear as he wraps an arm around my shoulders.

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