Imagine- Smitten Stumbles

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"Alright, hold on to me before you fall into that-I've got you." Eddie mumbles, grabbing hold of my waist as he helps me through my front door, catching me before I fall into a nearby flowerbed. I've never been so glad for my parents to be away, because I am so so drunk.

"Why is the world spinning so fast? Do you think it is?" I slur, looking up at Eddie as my head slumps against his shoulder. He looks at me with a pointed look before sighing and opening the door, helping me through into the hallway, in front of us are the stairs leading to my room.

Eddie sighs and closes the door with his foot. He looks between me and the stairs, them mumbles a "Screw it" before leaning down and scooping me up bridal style.

I gasp and cling onto his jacket. "Eddie, is the floor lava? Oh my God you're going to melt!" I exclaim, looking at him with wide eyes as I let out a small burp.

Eddie smirks and shakes his head as he carries me to my room, gently he nudges open my door with his waist and carefully sets me on the bed.

I look up at him and grin. "You're so nice even though everyone says you're not. You're like a snail."

Eddie looks at me as if I've grown another head, his mouth opens and closes a few times. "Did you just call me a snail?"

I nod enthusiastically as I try to sit up, but Eddie shakes his head and waves at me to stay still. He perches on the end of my bed and begins taking off my shoes tenderly, his hands linger on my ankles longer than they need to.

"I'm not a princess, I don't need you to baby me." I mumble, frowning as Eddie gets up and grabs my makeup wipes from my dressing table.

He turns around and holds a finger to his lips. "Shhh, you don't have to pretend that you don't love it, I know you're secretly enjoying it."

I pout and cross my arms over my chest for a few seconds, but then I crack a smile knowing he's right. Eddie taps my thigh, gesturing for me to budge over, so I comply with difficulty.

Eddie half lies next to me, propping himself up on an elbow as he plucks a wipe from the packet and begins wiping off my eye makeup. I watch as he focuses on the job, his tongue peeks out from his mouth from the concentration, and I get the sudden urge to lean up and kiss him. But I don't.

His brown eyes meet mine so I quickly look away. "What's going on in your precious head now? Don't tell me, you're silently comparing me to a bumblebee now?" He grins.

I smile and shake my head, gesturing that my lips are locked. He raises his eyebrows but shrugs if off, and I let out a small sigh of relief.

Eddie then throws the wipe over his shoulder and grabs the blanket from the bottom of my bed. Carefully he tucks it around me, making sure I'm comfortable and snuggled.

"There you go," he sighs, "snug as a bug in a nice warm rug."

I narrow my eyes at him playfully, "Now you're the one comparing me to insects." Eddie huffs and taps my nose.

"Go to sleep you menace." He softly mumbles, his eyes crinkle before he turns off my lamp.

I sigh and wiggle my feet and close my eyes, but they shoot open as I feel Eddie begin to get up. My arm reaches out and grabs his. "Please stay." I meekly ask.

Eddie nods, then lies back down, his fingers slightly overlap mine as he replies "Of course."

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now