Imagine- Soap

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AN: Once again this one's inspired by one of my favourite Melanie Martinez songs♡

I laugh at Eddie's imitatation, his voice is way off but the effort is there. I lean my head against his shoulder as he chuckles, and I unconsciously mumble "I love you."

Eddie tenses up, I realise what I've said and pull away, my eyes widen as his lips thin, his eyes refuse to meet mine. "Don't say that." He whispers, and I feel a pang through my heart.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" I trail off, not regretting saying it, but feeling like I've done something wrong. Even so, why is Eddie reacting like this, we've been dating for a couple of months now and have been friends for way longer.

Without another word, I stand up and grab my bag, heading towards school and intending to make my way home. I glance back once at Eddie, but he makes no move to stop me.

Tears fill my eyes but I refuse to let them fall. Instead I pinch the back of my hand until it bruises just to I keep control of myself.


As soon as I get back home, the large house is completely empty. There's a note on the table from my parents, saying they've gone away for the weekend. Frustration hits me and I launch my bag at the wall, shouting in anger.

I run upstairs and run a hot bath, pouring in bubbles and everything else just to make it as inviting and relaxing as possible. I just want to feel warm and loved, is that too much?

I undress and slip in, sighing shakily as my head leans back. Once again my eyes line with tears, but I let them fall this time, allowing them to mix with the bubbles so I can simmer in my emotions. It almost feels poetic.

Eddie and I have spend nearly every day together, we've talked about everything and know each other better than anyone. I get he's scared of loving too much, he even told me himself, but was I wrong? Should I have kept my mouth shut? Was it really so bad to say, should I just wash my mouth out with soap so I can erase those dreadful three words?

An hour passes and my skin wrinkles, the waters cold and I finally force myself to dry up and put on some comfy clothes. I'm about to crawl into bed but the front doorbell rings, so I sigh and head down to answer it.

As soon as I open the door, my heart drops to my feet. Eddie stands there, looking pale and scared.

I open my mouth, but he rushes forward and tackles me into a tight hug, his arms wrap around me so tight I can barely breathe.

"I'm sorry I freaked out, I just don't hear it a lot and it's scary, you know, I love you so much but I'm so scared you'll change your mind, so I figured if none of us ever said it, then it'd be easier to deal with you leaving me, but fuck it I love you, I do, and I'm such a coward." Eddie breathlessly rambles near my ear.

I smile and squeeze him back just as tight. "I'd die before I leave you, you're mine and I'm yours, be cynical if you want but I swear we're soulmates."

Eddie huffs and leans back, cupping my face with one hand he presses a deep kiss to my mouth.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now