Imagine- Meeting The Parents

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I smooth out my dress nervously as I sit on the stairs, eagerly awaiting Eddie's arrival. Okay, so maybe eager isn't the word, I love Eddie and can't wait for him to arrive, but he's meeting my parents, and that's no war that can ever be prepared for.

The doorbell rings. Before my mother can answer it I launch off the step and grab the handle, opening it to reveal Eddie dressed...the same as usual but with a bag in his hand. I panic but have no time to say anything because my mother comes behind me, smiling as she analyses Eddie from head to toe.

"You must be Eddie, it's nice to meet you at last." She sweetly says, her smile looks forced and I'm already debating whether to push Eddie out of the doorway for his own good.

Eddie smiles and reaches into the bag, pulling out a bouquet of flowers. He plucks one out and hands it to me, before coming in and passing the rest to my mother. Her wide eyes tell me she's now one step closer to liking him.

"I've got to go check dinner, make yourself at home Eddie." She says before rushing off. As soon as she's gone, I turn to Eddie and whisper.

"Why aren't you all dressed up or whatever?" Eddie shrugs as his eyes scan my bare legs.

"I'm not gonna pretend to be someone I'm not, by the way what's for dessert?" He smirks, giving me a wink. I roll my eyes at his innuendo, but bask in the attention anyway.

"Dinner!" My mother calls. I give Eddie a thumbs up and grab his hand, leading him to the dining room. As soon as we enter, my dad appears out of nowhere, narrowing his eyes at Eddie.

Eddie doesn't back down, he just lifts his chin and gives my dad a tight lipped smile. My dad grunts and points a finger at him. "Hurt my little girl and you'll find yourself in a lake somewhere."

I open my mouth but Eddie chuckles and cuts me off. "If I ever hurt her, I'll put myself there."

My dad finally smiles and I relax my shoulders. My mother serves dinner and we all sit at the table, eating and drinking some fancy wine. At some point, Eddie sneakily puts his hand on my thigh, his thumb nervously rubbing circles. I place my hand over his, squeezing to let him know he's okay and doing good.

"Wanna watch the game with me son?" My dad asks after dinner, Eddie shakes his head and checks his watch.

"I'm sorry but I have to get back soon, my uncle wants me to help him with some stuff."

My dad nods appreciatively and stands up, wandering off with a wave in goodbye. My mother begins to clear up but I stop her. "I'll do it." I smile, she nods, kissing my cheek and follows my father into the living room.

Eddie and I clear away the plates and I begin washing up whilst Eddie grabs a towel. "How'd you think I did?" He softly asks whilst drying up a plate.

"Well you're still here, so I guess the battle is won?" I laugh lightly. Eddie smirks and puts the plate down, wrapping his arms around me from behind, he kisses my cheek, then trails down to my neck.

"Eddie," I gasp, "my parents!"

"It's okay, I'll hear them coming." He murmurs as I tilt my head to the side, my breath hitches as his hand lingers at my waist, before slipping under my dress. His cold rings contrast with the heat of his palms, coaxing a moan from me.

"Not now, later I promise." I smile, turning around and putting bubbles on his nose. Eddie nods and we resume tidying up.

"You'll have to come back soon Eddie, it's been lovely meeting you." My mother smiles as we see Eddie out. Eddie nods and thanks her for dinner, my mother then walks back into the house.

"So, come back at midnight?" I smirk, reaching up to kiss Eddie. He nods and whispers into my ear.

"Keep the dress on, I want to take it off of you."

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now