Imagine- Kitty Cuddles ♡

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I sit anxiously on the couch, awaiting Eddie's return. He went out to have a smoke and said he'd be back in a few minutes.

I look down at my watch and sigh, before getting up and going to investigate.

I step outside into the night as my breath fogs up in the cold air. "Eddie?" I call out, but receive no response. I squint agasint the dim light from the trailer and see Eddie near the bottom, crouched on the floor.

I quickly make my way over to him, thinking he's hurt or somethings wrong, when he suddenly turns to me and puts a finger to his lips. I tilt my head in confusion so Eddie beckons me over with a ringed finger, pointing down at something near his shoe.

I tip toe over to him and crouch down, I finally see what all the fuss is about. Near Eddie's shoe is a timid grey cat, it looks bigger than a kitten but not big enough to be fully grown.

"I think she's a stray." Eddie whispers to me, leaning close so his breath feels hot in my ear. I smile and reach out to scoop the cat up, but it begins to back away.

Eddie gives me a disapproving look then turns back to the cat. He slowly reaches out a hand and the cat struts forward, bashing its head against his hand as he strokes between her ears.

"Let's get you some milk sweetheart." He softly murmurs to the cat, making my heart leap as he plucks the cat up and snuggles it close to his chest.

I follow Eddie back to the trailer and watch as he grabs the milk from the fridge with one hand and pours some into a nearby bowl. He then sits on the floor and places the milk between his legs, gently putting the cat down as it approaches the milk.

I sit opposite Eddie on the floor, giving him a dopey smile as I watch as the cat begins to lick the milk.

"So, is she yours now?" I ask him, nodding at the cat. Eddie watches her for a moment then grins, nodding he replies "Yeah, this little one needs me."

I shuffle over to him and grab his hand, I rest my head against his shoulder as I sigh sarcastically. "Have I been replaced by a feline?" I ask.

Eddie chuckles as he reaches out and strokes the cat, "No, you're still my favourite girl, I've just got two of you to cuddle now."

He turns his head and leans down, pressing a chaste kiss to my lips.

After the cat's finished with the milk he scoops it up as it meows and carries it to the bedroom. I undress and grab one of Eddie's tees to put on as Eddie changes for bed too, putting on pyjama pants and an old band tee.

We climb under the covers and Eddie lays out an arm for me to rest my head on, which then wraps around my neck as he plays with the end of my hair.

I sigh and watch as the little cat gently paws Eddie's top before curling up on his chest, purring as Eddie's other hand carefully brushes its head with his thumb.

"What's her name?" I whisper as Eddie softly smiles to himself.

"I dunno, I was thinking Fuzzy Osbourne, becuase she's fuzzy and I can't exactly name her Ozzy Osbourne." Eddie explains.

I softly laugh and kiss his cheek, "It's a purrr-fect name." I joke. Eddie shakes his head gently and smirks.

"You're ridiculous." He teases, flicking my nose before going back to stroking Fuzzy.

"Yeah, but you love it really." I retort.

Eddie sighs and nods, "Yeah, I do." He admits, kissing my temple as I close my eyes and go to sleep with my boyfriend and our new feline.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now