Imagine- Flying Monsters

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I'm mid way through talking about my day when Eddie suddenly freezes, his eyes focus on one spot on the wall behind me as we both sit on the floor of his room.

"Don't. Move." He murmurs, his eyes widening ever so briefly. I disobey and turn my head, my eyes desperately scan to see what he's looking at, and then I see it. A lone daddy long legs, sitting on the wall behind me.

I shriek and tumble back right into Eddie's lap, he just laughs and smirks down at me. "Aww, is someone scared of the-JESUS CHRIST!" He begins, but shouts as the flying monster suddenly flutters its wings and drifts through the air towards us.

Eddie quickly crawls backwards, taking me with him as we both try to get away from the vicious thing. Eddie's back hits the wall and he suddenly grabs his duvet from his bed, then wraps it around us like a den, protecting us from the daddy long legs.

It's dark and hot, Eddie's face is inches away from my own as I sit in his lap, one arm rests around my waist as the other rests on my thigh. I look up to see his shocked face, staring back at me.

I can't help it, I burst into laughter, finding the fact that the both of us are hiding from such a small animal. After a few seconds Eddie joins me, grinning as we both snort and lean our foreheads together, smiling at our unfortunate lack of bravery.

"Think he's gone?" I whisper, arching an eyebrow as Eddie shakes his head and nuzzles his nose agasint mine.

"Uh-uh, we should probably stay here for a little while longer, you know, just in case it's waiting to attack." Eddie muses, his eyes crinkle as I give him a pointed look, then lean my face up and meet his mouth with my own.

At first it's loving and gentle, but as soon as Eddie groans I deepen the kiss, tilting my head to the side as his hand slides up my back and gently squeezes the back of my neck. I accidentally moan and feel his reaction underneath me. I smile, knowing where this is going...

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now