Imagine- Insignificant

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"You can't just keep running away whenever you feel shitty Y/N!" My mother calls to me as I give her one last look, then slam the trailer door shut behind me. I hear her shouts and curses echo as I storm away from home and towards the centre of the trailer park, needing some time to think.

My breath fogs in the cool night air, the full moon shines brightly down, casting an eerie glow on the picnic benches, as if the universe is trying to give me a break.

I climb on the table, resting my feet on the bench and finally breathe, taking in the sound of crickets and the faint noise of the neighbours doing their thing.

I sit in silence for a few minutes, admitting the litter of stars above me, when the sound of footsteps captures my attention. I turn my head to see Eddie walking towards me, a lit cigarette dangles from his fingers as he gestures to the bench.

"Mind if I sit?" He mumbles quietly, I shrug so he sits opposite me, taking a drag and analysing my face. "You're upset." He points out.

Once again, I shrug, hating how the tiny comment makes me feel seen, he's one of the few people who actually understands me and my feelings, who doesn't question my every move and motive, who knows what I need.

"It's nothing," I lie, sighing as I lean back down and tilt my face to the sky, "my parents are just being..." I lead off, knowing Eddie knows about my family troubles.

He nods understandingly, taking another slow drag before replying "At least this time you walked out instead of shouting."

I scoff and give him a pointed look, "Who says I didn't?" Eddie's lips tilt into a smile as he stubs out his cigarette and climbs onto the table next to me, he leans back side by side with me, our pinkies almost touch as we gaze at the vast beyond.

"It's so stupid," I begin, feeling like I should talk, "worrying about people's perceptions and judgements, being scared of what could happen, angry at things we can't change, it's all so insignificant, we're just tiny people on a tiny planet, scurrying around until we die. In 500 years, nobody will even know who we are, so why should we care about all this shit?"

Eddie "Hmms" and takes a deep breath, "You're a real optimist, you know that?"

I laugh and nudge him with my elbow, "I'm serious...Well half, sorry I guess I'm just being all emotional."

Eddie shakes his head and sits up, he turns and looks at me with furrowed brows. "Never apologise for that shit, you're human and you're allowed to feel, besides you're right, there's no point wasting today worrying about tomorrow."

I nod and sit up with him, resting my head on his shoulder as I link my arm with his. "Jesus, you're freezing! Wanna come over and watch a movie, Wayne's not back until the morning."

I nod and hop off the bench, following Eddie.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now