Imagine- Until I Met You

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Eddie laughs as hesitantly step into the shallow water of Lovers Lake, the cold water reaches my ankles as the sun begins to set behind me.

"It's cold...and wet." I frown as Eddie begins laughing at me from his spot on the shore.

"Yeah sweetheart, last time I checked water is supposed to be wet."

I flip him off playfully and kick some water at him. Eddie blocks his face with his arm and grins before standing up and leaning down to splash some water at me in return.

"Hey, you can't do that, it's not nice!" I exclaim laughing, before making my way to him and leaving up on my toes, my arms wrap around his neck as his hands hold my waist.

"You're beautiful." He murmurs, smiling down at me and leaning his forehead to mine.

"I know." I smirk, shrugging before reaching up and giving him a short and quick kiss. Eddie sighs happily and spins me around so my back meets his chest, his arms wrap around my front and hold my hands in his as we both gaze out at the water and the red sunset.

"You know, I never believed in love until I met you." He mumbles, leaning his chin on the top of my head.

I smile and lean my head back, meeting his brown eyes upside down. "What about your guitar, you love that don't you?" I ask.

"Yeah, but that's a different kind of love. With you, it's like a can be anyone I want and I know you'll always be there for me, it's knowing that I'd do anything for you without question, and as much as it scares me it also makes me a better person. Our love is forever, it's-" Eddie begins, but I interupt him before I start crying.

"Alright Shakespeare calm down, I love you too." I laugh. Eddie senses my emotion because he squeezes me closer to him and presses a kiss to my forehead.

We both stand there, enjoying each others company for a little while longer until Eddie leads me back to his van and takes me to grab some dinner.

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