Imagine- Laundry Baskets

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"It's just a stupid game!" Eddie exclaims, throwing his hands up as I frown and cross my arms.

Gareth coughs nervously and tilts his head towards the exit of the drama classroom, signaling to the others that Hellfire Club is over.

"It's the final, you know how important that is to my brother!" I argue back once the others have left.

Eddie sighs and slumps down on his throne, running a hand over his face he looks up at me and mumbles "So you're choosing balls in laundry baskets over me?"

My eyes widen at the implication, unbelievable. I scoff and stand up so suddenly the chair screeches, "Don't be an asshole, it's the only game that matters, I'm not missing something this important to my brother for D&D." I shout, grabbing my jacket and heading for the door.

Eddie beats me to it and blocks my exit. He sighs and leans down, putting an apologetic hand on my shoulder. "Look, I'm sorry. It's just I've been working my ass off on this campaign and I'd hate for my favourite person to miss it."

I can't help but smile as Eddie looks down at me with puppy dog eyes, "It's fine, there's plenty of subs and I know your sadistic campaign finale will be awesome, but he's my brother."

Eddie nods, wrapping an arm around my shoulder he leads me back to the table and grabs his jacket.

"I'm so lucky I'm an only child," he mumbles, but then points a finger at me, "You owe me for abandoning the game, I expect a date or two."

I huff a laugh and interlink my hand with Eddie's as we walk out of the room and to the parking lot.

"You know it'd be easier if you were a jock, that way I wouldn't have to choose which game to attend." I smirk.

Eddie looks at me as if I've kicked a puppy. "Me, a jock? Sweetheart you've got some nerve." He mumbles before picking me up and slinging me over his shoulder, running towards his van as students begin clearing out of the school gym.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now