Imagine- The Tee Trouble

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"Are you embarrassed to wear it? Worried what will happen if someone associates you with us?" Eddie sarcastically asks, throwing his hands up as I sit on his bed, listening to his rant. My eyes drift to the spare Hellfire tee next to me.

I shake my head and cross my arms, "No, I mean people already know I hang out with you and Hellfire, I just don't see why I've got to wear a tee displaying the obvious!" I exclaim, letting out a short laugh as my temper reaches its peak.

"Because you're supposed to support us!" Eddie replies, staring at me. I huff and stand up, finally had enough.

"You know what, you want me to wear the stupid thing, fine!" I shout, before lifting up my top and taking it off, I snatch the Hellfire top and shrug it on, then turn to Eddie panting. But he doesn't look like he's ready to argue anymore, instead his eyes are wide as he very slowly scans by body, until he finally reaches my eyes.

"Shit." He mumbles, stepping closer as I step back, until the back of my knees hit the bed and I fall backwards onto it. Eddie doesn't hesitate to climb above me, his hands trail from my elbows to my wrists until he suddenly grabs them and pins my hands above my head with one ringed hand.

"I'm glad you don't wear the tee, you look fucking hot and too many eyes will be on you. We can't have that, can we?" Eddie smirks, nuzzling my cheek with his nose as I let out a small whimper.

"Kiss me." I practically plead, but Eddie shakes his head and suddenly lets go, sitting back on his knees.

"If I did, there's no guarantee I'd stop, and you're not ready for the things I want to do to you." He murmurs, smiling at me.

I let out a shaky breath before replying "Then don't stop, just keep the top on, only you and I will know what's its...been through."

Eddie's eyes widen momentarily before he crashes his lips to mine.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now