Imagine- Crybaby

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AN: This one's inspired by the Melanie Martinez song, I've added a few references too ♡

My eyes begin to water as my lip wobbles, I try to bite it so nobody notices, but already eyes are on me as a few girls begin to laugh.

My cheeks flame so I hastily wipe away the droplets from my cheeks and continue as I was, smiling through my sadness and anxiety, pretending as if I'm fine.

The bell rings so I rush out, heading to my favourite spot behind the school field, where I often meet with my boyfriend Eddie. I slam my bag down on the picnic bench and huddle my knees to my chest, focusing on my breathing as I cry and cry.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Eddie softly says from behind me, putting one hand on my back as he takes the empty spot beside me.

I look up at him, not bothering to hide my tears. "I'm such a crybaby, I'm too emotional and care too much about everything." I weakly mumble.

Eddie frowns and rubs my back, allowing me to sniffle and let it all out. "You're not a crybaby, your heart's just too big for your body."

I give him a pointed look before cracking a smile at the odd compliment. "So you don't care about me crying all the time?"

Eddie shrugs as he reaches into his bag, pulling out a bag of pretzels and a cigarette. "I know you better than anyone else, your tears are my tears. Besides, at least it shows you're human, I'd rather care about everything and savour life than not care at all and miss out on so much."

I nod as he lights up his cigarette, inhaling it deeply. I unpack my sandwiches from my bag and begin eating, Eddie follows me and begins munching on his snacks too.

"Do you cry?" I blurt out halfway through my lunch. Eddie pauses, holding a pretzel midway to his mouth. He smiles nervously before nodding meaningfully.

"Yeah, sometimes, the other night I cried because I thought I was gonna fail school again, but the next day you helped me and now I've passed the class." He admits.

I give him a small smile as I lean into him, wrapping my arms around his middle as he chuckles and snakes an arm around my waist.

"If anyone ever calls you a crybaby, drown them in your tears." Eddie murmurs, resting his chin on my head.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now